Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Udayana University Inisiate Collaboration with the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Khon Kaen University Thailand.


The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM) of Udayana University held a meeting with the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Khon Kaen University (KKU) online via Zoom Meeting (27/12/2022). Present at this meeting were the Dean, Vice Deans, Study Program Coordinators, Coordinators of the Information and Cooperation Management Unit and the FVM Unud Foreign Cooperation Team. while from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Khon Kaen University represented by the Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Professor Dr. Bundit Tengjaroenkul. Vice Dean For Collaboration: Assist. Prof. Dr. Prawit Butudom and Staff for international affairs officer research and graduate studies missions: Mr. Sitthiporn Kabbualoi.

Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University, Prof. Suartha said that this initial meeting was the beginning of an initiation of cooperation in the field of Higher Education's Tri Dharma, from Education, Research and Community Service. There are many activities that can be carried out from the two faculties such as student exchanges, academic staff exchanges, joint conferences and joint research. Prof. Suartha invited Khon Kaen University FVM students to take part in an international class program at Udayana University. These students can later participate in activities for handling marine mammals such as dolphins, turtles, and wild animals in Bali.



Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Khon Kaen University Prof. Bundit added that currently FVM KKU has MoAs with several FVMs in Indonesia such as IPB University, Gadjah Mada University and Airlangga University. It is hoped that the initiation of cooperation with the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University will soon continue with the making of the MoA and MoA so that the implementation of activities can be carried out immediately. The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Khon Kaen University has a student exchange program where 5th year students are given the opportunity to gain field experience outside the University. This is in line with the Independent Campus Learning Student Exchange Program (MBKM) at Udayana University. After the cooperation draft is approved, a cooperation document will be signed immediately where the FVM KKU wishes to carry out the ceremony by visiting the FVM UNUD around the middle of next year.