Working Visit of Education Staff of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Airlangga University, Surabaya, to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University, Bali ,

Denpasar, December 21 2022, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University (FVM Unud) received a working visit from the Education Staff (ES) of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Airlangga University, Surabaya. During this working visit the Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University (Prof. Dr. drh. I. Nyoman Suartha, MSi) together, the Vice Dean for Student Affairs, Information and Cooperation (Dr, drh. I Wayan Sudira, MSi) and The ES FVM Unud welcomed the arrival of the guest group from Unair, in the meeting room on the first floor of the FVM Unud Building, Jalan PB Sudirman Denpasar Bali. The arrival of ES Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Airlangga University, consisted of: Mr. Hendro Gunarto, SE., M. PSDM (Head of Administrative Section), Mr. Ali Imron, SE., MM (Head of Academic Unit), Mr. Dendi Sucahyo, S.ST) Head of Sub-Division of Facilities and Infrastructure), Ms. Cahyarani Permata Aji, S.IIP (Head of Student Affairs Subdivision) and Mr. Karsian A.P Computer Network (Educational Computer Information Technology Network Technician). The arrival of the ES group from FVM Universitas Airlangga had been planned for a long time, but they were only able to meet the scheduled meeting at the end of 2022. Mr. Dean welcomed the team from Surabaya, and welcomed him well. On this occasion, he also gave an introduction to the leadership of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Udayana University and the Coordinators and Sub-coordinators.



Meanwhile the ES Team from FVM Unair led by Mr. Hendro conveyed the purpose of his visit and the team was in order to convey about collaboration and implementation of activities and take a close look at the good practices that have been carried out by FVM Unud institutions, especially administration management concerning the general, educational fields , student affairs and finance. On this occasion, greetings were also conveyed from the Dean of FVM Airlangga University to the Udayana FVM community. Responding to the wishes of the Unair educational team, the FVM Unud educational coordinator explained the activities carried out so far at the Unud Faculty of Medicine. He explained that with the IMISSU system centered at USDI, all activities at the Faculty are integrated with activities at the University.

In that meeting there was also a very good discussion, many things related to educational information and the learning process as well as college completion strategies from students with problems, regarding employee ranks, career paths and welfare. was also discussed. The enthusiasm to find out about the good practices that have been carried out by FVM Unud is very good and conveyed almost the same as what was done at FVM Unair. At the end of the session, a group photo was taken