Anjangsana BEM FK UNUD in collaboration with BEM FK UNRAM

Udayana University BEM FK welcomed the arrival of Mataram University BEM KM FK on Saturday, December 3 2022 in the Meeting Room dr. A.A Made Djelantik, FK Udayana Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, during a comparative study visit.


This activity was opened directly by the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs & Information, Prof. dr. I Made Ady Wirawan, MPH. Ph. D. He welcomed the visit from the University of Mataram, which has had a close brotherly relationship with Udayana University for a long time and hoped that the two campuses could mingle well, share information, and maintain good friendly relations in the future.


The series of these activities are Presentations on BEM FK Unud by representatives, Presentations on BEM FK Unram by representatives, Video Screening, Submission of Souvenirs and Certificates from each University, and Forum Group Discussion