UNUD Faculty of Law Student Team Wins National Law Essay and Debate Competition Red Colony Law Fair V 2022

Author: Debate Team | Editor Md Suksma PDS


Denpasar, FLUNUD.ac.id – Representatives of UNUD Faculty of Law students won 2 national competitions in the Red Colony Law Fair V 2022 organized by the Student Executive Board (BEM) of the Faculty of Law, University of Warmadewa (FH UNWAR). First, Ni Putu Ayu Meylan Ardini won third place in the National Essay Competition out of the 10 best essay participants with the work title: "Student Innovation with Local Wisdom-Based Justice Solution Towards the Era of Society 5.0." Second, the student team consisting of: Cokorda Istri Kirana Pramesti (Leader of the Batch 2020 Team), Kadek Ayu Maharani (Member of the Batch 2020 Team), Kadek Sandra Putri Saniamarani (Member of the Batch 2020 Team) with Supervisor Edward Thomas Lamury Hadjon, SH., LL.M. won 1st place in the National Debate Competition.


The National Debate Competition will be held online from 26 – 27 November 2022. Several universities participating in this competition are: Udayana University, University of Indonesia, Gadjah Mada University, University of Surabaya, Hasanuddin University, Riau University, Syah Kuala University, UIN Malang, IAIN Pare - Pare, Warmadewa University, National Education University, Tabanan University, and Dwijendra University.


Congratulations and success to the FH UNUD student representatives for their proud academic achievements in 2 categories of the Red Colony Law Fair V 2022 national competition. Hopefully in the future more and more achievements will be scored by UNUD FH students.