Road Show Invention Research Team of the Faculty of Law of Udayana University: FGD Inventory of KIK Protection for the Province of Bali

Author: Putu Aras Samsithawrati | Editor: UPIKS FH UNUD Team


Denpasar, – The Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Inventory of the Protection of Communal Intellectual Property (KIK) of the Province of Bali was held regarding the importance of protecting KIK which is one of the sources of the creative economy of the Balinese people and also as a series of research activities for Invention grants at Udayana University with the chairman Researcher Dr. Urged Putu Dewi Kasih, SH., M.Hum. 

The Bali Province KIK Protection Inventory FGD was held on Wednesday (23/11/2022) at the UNUD FH Video Conference Room. The event began with a report from the Head of the KIK FH UNUD Invention Research Team followed by remarks by the Dean of the Faculty of Law UNUD who in this case was represented by the Deputy Dean III for Student Affairs and Information of the Faculty of Law Unud (Mr. Dr. I Made Bachelor, SH., MH.). The first session was a presentation of material presented by relevant speakers facilitated by Dr. AA Gede Duwira Hadi Sanstosa, SH., M.Hum as the moderator. The resource persons for this FGD were the Head of Bappeda and Research and Development for Gianyar Regency (Mr AA Dalem Jagadhita, SH,), Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office for Bali Province (Mr. Putu Edi Wahyudi, S.Kom. and Mr. Made Delon Mahayana, SH., MH. ), Custodian of the EBT Drama Dance Wayang Wong Pura Dhang Kahyangan Taman Pule Desa Adat Mas (Mr. I Made Darma) and the UNUD Faculty of Law research team (represented by Prof. Dr. Ni Ketut Supasti Dharmawan, SH., MHum., LLM). 

FGDs were conducted to discuss things that could be done by the Government, academics and other stakeholders in KIK inventory and protection activities in the Province of Bali. In addition, this FGD also aims to be a forum for obtaining inputs in the framework of KIK protection based on strengthening inventory activities in the Province of Bali. 

Apart from carrying out various FGDs, the FH UNUD invention research team chaired by Dr. Urged Putu Dewi Kasih, SH., M.Hum, with members Prof. Dr. Supasti Dharmawan, SH., M.Hum., LLM and the team have succeeded in producing several outcomes. These outputs include the KIK EBT Inventory Registration Letter, Drama Dance Wayang Wong Pura Dhang Kahyangan Taman Pule Desa Adat Mas (Number EBT51202200380), output model for Regional Head Regulations regarding the protection and strengthening of KIK, and submission of articles in reputable international journals. In its implementation, this research also involved a team of field researchers consisting of lecturers and undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral students of the Faculty of Law UNUD.

The interactive and participatory discussion atmosphere was felt during the FGD implementation. The FGD participants consisted of representatives from the Culture Office (both the Culture Offices in Bali Province, Denpasar City, Gianyar Regency, Klungkung Regency, Karangasem Regency, Tabanan Regency, Bangli Regency and Badung Regency) Coordinating Study Program for Bachelor of Laws, Coordinating Study Program for Masters of Notary Masters, Coordinating Doctoral Study Program Law Studies, lecturers and students of S1, S2 (MIH and MKN), and S3 in the Faculty of Law UNUD. At the end of the event, the output of the KIK regulatory model was handed over in the form of a Regional Head Regulation to representatives of each service agency present in the FGD. 

Given the importance of KIK, for example EBT and PT, which are closely related to the life of the Balinese people as part of their creative economic resources, it is best if research and academic cooperation with the government and various other stakeholders are always carried out in a sustainable manner.