Combining Merang Mushrooms and Broiler Chicken Meat in Making Lawar, Agustini Proves Its Impact on Lowering Blood Cholesterol
One of the Master of Food
Technology students, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University,
namely Ni Ketut Sri Agustini, S.TP. won a Masters Degree in Food Technology
(M.TP.) on November 15th , 2022 with the title Thesis The Effect of
the Ratio of Broiler Chicken (Gallus domesticus) to Merang Mushroom
(Vorvariella volvacae) on the Characteristics of Chicken Lawar and Its Impact
on Reducing Cholesterol under the guidance of Dr. Ir. Ni Made Yusa, M.Si and
Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nengah Kencana Putra, M.S.
Lawar is a kind of side
dish made from a mixture of meat or fish with vegetables and spices. The types
of lawar in Bali are generally grouped based on the type of meat used, namely
beef lawar (lawar using beef), pork lawar (lawar using pork), and so on with
turtle lawar, chicken lawar, and duck lawar. using turtle meat, chicken meat
and duck meat. There are many food ingredients that can actually be utilized
optimally, such as mushroom. Mushroom also has a more stable and cheaper price
compared to the price of chicken meat. Mushrooms and broiler chickens have in
common that is high in protein. In addition, the content of beta glucan in
mushrooms is a good soluble fiber can reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.
The research conducted by Agustini was divided into two stages. The first stage
is making lawar where the meat and mushroom are mixed in a ratio. Phase II of
the research was a laboratory experiment in experimental animals of Wistar rats
using the Control Group Post Test Design research design.
The process of making the
opponent carried out in his research was broiler chicken meat that had been
washed, taking only the meat on the chest, then finely chopped. The straw
mushrooms were washed and cleaned of adhering dirt, then blanched by boiling at
80oC for 5 minutes. The blanched mushroom is then finely chopped.
The ingredients that have been chopped are then weighed according to a
predetermined formulation. then mix all the ingredients that have been chopped
with the base seasoning (base genep), seasoning wangen, seasoning seasoning
(base penpengluh) and additional seasoning base embe so that it becomes lawar
Ni Ketut Sri Agustini,
S.TP. reported in the results of the research conducted that there was a
decrease in total blood cholesterol levels of rats given lawar in the form of
pellets made from a standard feed mixture mixed with chicken lawar by 8%, while
the rat group was given lawar in the form of pellets made from a standard feed
mixture mixed with chicken lawar without straw mushrooms, there was a fairly
high increase in total cholesterol levels, namely 64%. She emphasized that this
proves that the addition of straw mushrooms in the process of making lawar can
have an impact on reducing blood cholesterol levels which have been tested with
experimental animals, namely Wistar rats.