Group 3 of Student Executive Board Junior Member Candidates Held a Community Education Event “Raising Awareness and Prevent the Spread of Zoonosis”,

Student Executive Board Junior Member Candidates committee project is an event that is a part of the selection program for 2022’s Junior Member Candidates of the Student Executive Board and it is carried out by every candidate of the Student Executive Board Junior Members of Udayana University’s Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

In this second assignment, group 3 of the Student Executive Board Junior Members’ task is to make a committee project whereby they select community education as their event of choice. Group 3 utilize the title of “Play and Learn Together without Fearing Rabies” with the sole purpose of giving education and raising awareness to the children at Dharma Jati II Orphanage regarding the spread of disease from animals to humans, which in this project focuses on rabies from dogs and cats. To fully accomplish the committee project’s main theme, “Raising Awareness and Prevent the Spread of Zoonosis”, group 3 also prepares information around methods on how to reduce and prevent the spreading.

This project which was held on November 19th of 2022, had been enlivened by guests such as Head of Junior Members Student Executive Board Recruitment Committee, I Made Gede Raditya Darmayoga, and Vice President of Student Executive Board, Ni Komang Wahyu Centika Sari, as well as all Student Executive Board functionaries.



Group 3 carried out an offline community education event from 09.00 AM to 11.10 AM at Dharma Jati II Orphanage’s Hall. The event started with an opening and prayer led by Ni Putu Premasuari Putri Maha Devi as the Master of Ceremony (MC). Then, continued with a report from Ni Made Maika Istri Arya Arsana as head of the committee, followed by remarks by I Made Gede Raditya Darmayoga as Head of Junior Members Student Executive Board Recruitment Committee, and final remarks by Ni Komang Wahyu Centika Sari as Vice President of Student Executive Board. The event continued with a committee introduction led by the MC to the event’s participants.


In this event, the participants are split into two groups for the materials delivery session. Group 1 was handled by Ni Made Rani Widya Sari and group 2 by Adi Putra Novanolo Waruwu. In this materials delivery session, both speakers adjusted their teaching methods with the age range of the participants in their respective groups by preparing materials that are easy to understand for their age. Not only that, to support the success of this materials delivery session, other committee members helped the two speakers by maintaining conduciveness and assist as well as guiding the participants to understand the materials being given. The materials delivery session was also followed by displaying pictures and videos related to the materials, which is rabies, to add more understanding of the materials being given. Other than that, the two speakers also used dolls as practical figures on how to carry as well as touch a dog correctly.

The main points of the materials presented consist of:

a. Characteristics of animals infected by rabies.

b. Preventive methods of rabies against children caused by wild animals, especially in areas where cases of rabies are high.

c. First aid of when bitten by a dog.

d. How to interact with a dog.

e. How to carry a dog.

f. Actions to avoid when dealing with dogs.



The event followed with a games session, where the committee prepared 4 posts with different games related to animals on each post for the participants. In each post, 2-3 committee members had been tasked to handle their respective posts to explain the games’ rules to the participants. 1st Post and 3rd Post are the quiz posts, whilst as 2nd Post is a game of charades where one of the participants will imitate a word written on a sheet of paper prepared by the committee and the rest of the participants will try to guess the word, and as for 4th Post is word jumble where the participants will be tasked to arrange a few sheets of paper with a word written on it to make a grammatical sentence. In 1st Post and 3rd Post, if the participant is able to answer the question correctly, they will get a sticker as a reward which will be used as an indicator by the committee of which participant is the most active by receiving numerous amount of stickers. The participant with the most stickers collected will receive an award from the committee. Not only that, another participant who is active during the delivery materials session will also be given an award as a token of appreciation for their admirable spirit by the committee.

After the games session, all participants were directed to line up according to their group from the games session and walk in a form of a snake ladder to get their souvenirs and snacks. At 10.45 AM, the event continued with a handover of donations session from the committee to the orphanage. The donations gathered for this event were done from 24-26 October 2022 (Batch 1) and from 3-14 November 2022 every Monday and Thursday for Batch 2. After that, a certificate handover session followed with documentation of the head of the committee with the owner of the Orphanage, I Wayan Nika, I Made Gede Raditya Darmayoga as Head of Junior Members Student Executive Board Recruitment Committee, Ni Komang Wahyu Centika Sari as Vice President of Student Executive Board, all Student Executive Board functionaries present, and all participants as well as the whole committee for this event.

With the ending of the documentation session, then came the end of the community education event held by group 3 of the Student Executive Board Junior Members Candidates. With most gratitude, the whole committee is very thankful for the participation of the participants who have followed this event enthusiastically, to I Made Gede Raditya Darmayoga as Head of Junior Members Student Executive Board Recruitment Committee, and Ni Komang Wahyu Centika Sari as Vice President of Student Executive Board as well as all Student Executive Board functionaries for attending this community education event from the start to the very end at Dharma Jati II Orphanage. Lastly, the whole committee is also very most grateful to Mr. I Wayan Nika the owner of Dharma Jati II Orphanage for being willing and giving us the opportunity to cooperate in organizing this event.