Support Tri Dharma University, Udayana University Veterinary Teaching Hospital Receives Anesthesia Device


Located in the Meeting Room, lt. 1 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University, Monday 24/10/2022. The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM), Udayana University received a gas anesthetic device grant from PT. Awal Semangat Karya. The activity of handing over the anesthetic equipment grant is at the same time as the signing of the Cooperation Program between FVM Unud and PT. Awal Semangat Karya.

The signing of this cooperation was attended by the Dean, Vice Deans and Director of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital (VTH) of FVM Unud, and from PT. Awal Semangat Karya was represented by drh. Mirjawal as Director. Drh. Mirjawal handed over one unit of the RWD R640-S1 anesthesia machine which is a gas anesthetic device for animals to the VTH FVM Unud. Furthermore, drh Mirjawal expressed his hope that with the addition of equipment for the VTH FVM Unud, it could increase the number and quality of services to the community.



Animal health services are the main service at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University. Various kinds of veterinary services are available at VTH FVM Unud, such as Emergency Unit, Inpatient, Clinical Pathology Laboratory Examination, Veterinary Radiology Laboratory and Surgical Services. Anesthesia has a very important role in handling surgical procedures, especially in animals. With the use of a gas anesthetic device, monitoring the patient's status and level of anesthesia is easier to do.

The Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University, Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suartha, M.Si expressed his gratitude to PT. Beginning of the Spirit of Work for the grant of this anesthetic device. Prof. Suartha added that the addition of this tool will greatly help not only serve the community but also education for children. Education for veterinary professional programs and research for lecturers at FVM Unud.