Alsa Local Chapter UNUD Visits TNI AL Denpasar


Unud FH students who are members of the Asian Law Students' Associations (ALSA) Local Chapter (LC) Unud visited ALSA Legal Visit 2022 to TNI AL Denpasar. The theme of this visit is “Jalesveva Jayamahe: Emphasize Indonesia's Maritime Sovereignty and Jurisdiction Through G20 Presidency.” The series of activities began with the Welcoming Ship KRI Bimasuci-945 on October 11, 2022 at Benoa Harbor, Open Ship KRI Bimasuci-945 on October 13, 2022 where members of ALSA LC Unud were given the opportunity to see parts of KRI Bimasuci-945 and interact with the cadets. from the 69th Naval Academy (AAL) in 2022. Then followed by the release of KRI Bimasuci-945 on October 16, 2022 at Benoa Harbor and the ALSA Legal Visit activity ended with a visit to the Denpasar Navy Base and the Appointment of the Denpasar Navy Alutsita on 20 October 2022. This visit was attended by the Deputy Dean III of the Faculty of Law Unud, ALSA Local Chapter Advisory Lecturer, 75 students of ALSA members and were received directly by the Denpasar Navy Base Commander, Marine Colonel I Dewa Nyoman Gede Rake Susilo, SE and the Military Police Datasemen Commander TNI AL Denpasar, Major Tona A. Ompusunggu, SH, MH (UPIKS&IT Team FH Unud)