FK Unud Public Health Student Association Provides Education on the Impact of Young Marriage


The problem of young marriage in Indonesia is one of the most common phenomena in the country, both in big cities and in rural areas. The phenomenon of young marriage will have an impact on family life and the quality of human resources in Indonesia.


Responding to this phenomenon, the Special Division of the Student Community Concerned for Maternal and Child Health (DK KMP KIA) FK Unud held an online talk show with the theme "Avoid the Negative Effects of Young Marriage: The Importance of Pre-marital Screening and Counseling to Be a Happy Family". (15/10/2022)


This activity is carried out routinely by HMKM FK Unud. Participated by PSSKM students and the general public, this talkshow presented resource persons who are competent in their fields, namely representatives of the Bali Province BKKBN, namely Made Billy Udiana Sudibia and an obstetrician, namely dr. Stella Kawilarang, M.Biomed., Sp.OG., with the moderator of the 18th batch of students from PSSKM FK Unud, namely Ni Putu Meiliana Dewantari, S. KM.


The event was attended and opened directly by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, FK Unud, Dr. dr. I Gede Eka Wiratnaya, S.Ked., Sp.OT(K) in his speech said that the KIA talk show was very useful considering the increasing problem of young marriages in Indonesia. More Dr. Eka hopes that this talk show can be a consideration for young people in undergoing early marriage and knowing the impact of young marriage on family life and the quality of human resources in Indonesia.


This event was also attended by the Coordinator of the Public Health Undergraduate Study Program as well as the supervisors of the special divisions of DK KMP KIA and DK KMPT.