Initial Research Cooperation, FVM Unud welcomes a staff from the Veterinary School, University of Sydney.


The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM) of Udayana University (Unud), received a staff from the Veterinary School, University of Sydney, Australia on October 8, 2022 at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University. On this occasion, Dr Harish Tiwari, PhD from the Veterinary School, University of Sydney met the Dean of FVM Prof. Dr. dr. I Nyoman Suartha, M.Si accompanied by Dr. dr. Luh Gde Sri Surya Heryani, M. Biomed as Vice Dean for General Affairs and Finance, and Vice Chair of Foreign Cooperation FVM Unud drh. I Made Kardena, MVS.


In his speech, Prof.Suartha welcomed him to FVM Unud. At this meeting a discussion was performed about the cooperative possibility between FVM Unud and and theVeterinary School, University of Sydney. Prof. Suartha conveyed the condition of recent animal disease situation in Bali, especially the cases of Foot and Mouth Diseases and Rabies. Responding to the submission from the Dean, Dr. Tiwari conveyed about the possibility to collaborate in the field of research such as joint research collaboration between FVM Unud and the University of Sydney, especially in the field of Animal Epidemiology. With this meeting, it is hoped that there will be a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Udayana University and the University of Sydney, then followed up with a Cooperation Program (MoA) between FVM Unud and the Veterinary School of the University of Sydney.


Dr. Tiwari is an expert in Animal Disease Epidemiology. He is currently a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow from the Asia Pacific Consorium of Veterinary Epidemiology (APCOVE), University of Sydney. In addition, his main research is mostly in the field of Animal Disease Surveillance and One Health as well as organizational and leadership capabilities and management to provide solutions for economic empowerment of rural populations in developing countries, especially in Asia and Pacific region.