Representative of ALSA LC FH Udayana Successfully Wins 3rd Place in the National Legal Review Competition Alsa Indonesia Collaboration with SOE Law Forum


One of the outstanding students of FH Unud on behalf of Ni Wayan Nitya Varshini Sahare managed to become one of the best in the National Legal Review competition organized by ALSA Indonesia cooperates with the SOE Legal Forum. His scientific work is entitled “QUO VADIS: DISSOLUTION OR SAVING IN CASE OF FAILURE TO PAY THE POLICY OF PT. JIWASRAYA AS A SOE OWNED COMPANY” managed to rank 3rd in the competition which was attended by 52 students from 28 state universities throughout Indonesia. As a form of appreciation, the scientific papers of the winners will be published by ALSA Indonesia and invited to take part in a series of BUMN Legal Summit activities organized by the BUMN Law Forum located in Nusa Dua Bali on 22-23 September 2022. This activity aims to bring together outstanding students, legal people SOEs and SOE subsidiaries are the momentum to build a stronger foundation for the legal function of SOEs in supporting the growth and transformation of SOEs. (UPIKS&IT FH Unud Team)