Join Summit with Bali Psychiatry Terkini (BATIK) for the First International Conference on Cultural and Spiritual Psychiatry (ICOSPI) 3

Mental health and well-being are fundamental to being fully human. Investing in mental health brings benefits to ourselves, society, even our business and economy. Good mental health results in better physical health, stronger, family and increased economic productivity.
The promotion, protection and restoration of mental health is an important concern for individuals, communities and societies around the world especially in the aftermath of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Supporting the promotion, protection and restoration of mental health, the Department/KSM of Psychiatry and the Mental Medicine Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University together with RSUP Prof. Dr. I.G.N.G. Ngoerah Denpasar held the 1st International Conference on Cultural and Spiritual Psychiatry (ICOSPI) Join Summit with Bali Psychiatry Latest (BATIK) 3 with the theme "Investing in Mental Health: Moving Forward to Break The Pandemic World" at Harris Hotel Sunset Road, Badung, Bali. (24/9/2022)

This activity lasts for 4 days starting on Thursday, September 22, 2022 until Sunday, September 25, 2022. The first day there are 7 workshops. The second day was an ICOSPI activity that brought speakers from several countries such as Italy, Canada, Australia, USA, Netherlands and Scotland. On 24 and 25 September 2022 there will be BATIK 3 Symposium and scientific activities such as poster and oral presentations.

The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Dr.dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes who attended this event said that health is not only physical but also social and mental aspects according to the definition of health declared by WHO.

Furthermore, the Dean said that the development of mental health science was very rapid and FK Unud as an educational institution should be able to become a bridge to disseminate this information.

"One of the keys to providing optimal services is knowing the development of medical technology, including in the field of psychiatry, where the development is so rapid. We must follow this and our obligations as educational institutions and professions by always being able to disseminate the latest developments to general practitioners or specialists "he explained.

The Dean also expressed his hope that this event can provide additional knowledge to improve the quality of services to the community so that all Indonesian people can get quality health services including equal psychiatry, in order to support the government's efforts to declare a healthy Indonesia in 2025.

Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, M.P. who attended and opened the event on this occasion expressed their appreciation for the Psychiatric Specialist Study Program which has organized this event and hopes that this event can be an investment event in mental health in efforts to treat mental health globally.

"This symposium and seminar give new hope to psychiatrists as well as general practitioners and other practitioners to jointly fight the negative stigma of mental health, through this activity, hopefully there will be additional new knowledge for the participants and can share knowledge in the field of research. as well as in other fields," he said.

This series of activities was attended by 237 ICOSPI participants and 444 BATIK 3 participants. A total of 37 participated in the poster presentation and 15 participants in the oral presentation. This activity also held a Udayana Award as an appreciation for the contribution of participants who carried out research for the development, improvement, improvement of people's mental health.