Improving entrepreneurship FMIPA BEM Holds 2022 FMIPA Entrepreneur Workshop
Sunday, September 18, 2022, BEM FMIPA held an Entrepreneur Workshop FMIPA 2022 which is one of the work projects of BEM FMIPA Udayana University. The activity with the theme "The Importance of Entrepreneurship for the Younger Generation" has the target of FMIPA students themselves who have or even want to develop businesses or business ideas so that it is hoped that more entrepreneurs will appear in the FMIPA environment and of course can provide significant positive changes for Indonesia. In addition, this activity is intended so that active students of the Mathematics and Natural Sciences faculty can develop entrepreneurial skills that can be implemented in the real business world.
The 2022 FMIPA Entrepreneur Workshop, which was attended by 63 participants from all study programs at FMIPA, was carried out in a hybrid manner by taking place in the GF room of the UNUD Jimbaran Campus Mathematics Study Program for the committee and online through webex media for resource persons and participants. The workshop which invited two speakers, namely: Mrs. Dr. Sagung Chandra Yowani, S.Si, Apt., M.Si and Mr. I Gede Santi Astawa, St., M.Cs. This was carried out with the concept of training as well as a business competition where the participants were divided into several groups and then required to make a business proposal that would assessed by the jury and given coaching proposals so that students know where the shortcomings of their proposals lie. All proposals that have been revised are then selected to be the best proposals based on certain parameters which will later be included in the Entrepreneurial Student Development Program (P2MW) event held by DIKTI. The best proposal is won by the group:
- Komang Nikastri Tussning Dewi, 2008531010 (Chairman)
- Safira Razak, 2008531004 (Member)
- Sinta Apriliani, 2008531027 (Member)
- Oktavia Cintya Firnawati, 2008531035 (Member)
- Ni Komang Nadya Maharani, 2008531051 (Member)
The workshop began with the registration of the committee and invitees who came offline and online as well as the implementation of strict health protocols by conducting temperature checks and giving hand sanitizers. This series of events begins with the opening, the report of the committee chairman, the speech of the chairman of BEM FMIPA and remarks by the dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University. Furthermore, the presentation of the material by the first speaker, Mrs. Dr. Sagung Chandra Yowani, S.Si, Apt., M.Si, continued with the awarding of awards to the speakers and moderators, then the second session was filled with the presentation of the material for the second speaker, namely Mr. I Gede Santi Astawa, St., M.Cs which was continued by the presentation awards to speakers and moderators and then the announcement of the best proposals. Then this activity was closed with a group photo by the committee and all invitees.