Bali International Emergency Battle Summit (BIEBS) 2022 Webinar STAGE 3 : “Management Emergency Evacuation In Obstetrics & Gynecology”

Bali International Emergency Battle Summit (BIEBS) 2022

Webinar STAGE 3: “Management Emergency Evacuation In Obstetrics & Gynecology”


Sunday, September 4, 2022


Bali International Emergency Battle Summit (BIEBS) is an international activity involving doctors and nurses in various countries. The Bali International Emergency Battle Summit activity with the topic "Time Saving, Life Saving, and Save the World" took the concept of Trimatra evacuation, namely on land, water, and air. We do this activity to prepare for Bali Medical Tourism and bring world peace in line with the G20 event with the theme Recover Together, Recover Stronger.


BBM Medindo in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University held the Bali International Emergency Battle Summit with the topic of the BIEBS 3 webinar “Management Emergency Evacuation In Obstetrics & Gynecology”. This activity is also in collaboration with Atma Jaya Panca Stikes, Hang Tuah Surabaya Stikes, Kesdam IX/Udayana Stikes, and the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at Warmadewa University, and is supported by several agencies including from the Clinic, namely Unicare Clinic, Hydromedical, Savana Assistance, Blue Island, Penta Medica. For from Health, namely Hippocrates Medical Store, Hippocrates Medical Homecare, PT. National Medika Congruence, Innovation Ideology, PT. Joy Indo Medika, Apotekku, PT. Mitra Medika Farma, Quantum, TBM Warmadewa. For non-health, namely Moana Baby Photoshot, Maaiu Foodcourt, Frutywax Bali, NKRI Architect, PT Solusi Putra Gemilang, Keina beauty, Jungle gold, Fitness Plus, and Montesori School. For Media Partners, namely Medical Tourism Indonesia and Pro-Health. This webinar activity was attended by Specialists, General Practitioners, Residents, Nurses, Midwives, Lecturers, Medical Students, Nursing Students, and the General Public throughout Indonesia. The webinar discusses emergency stabilization for pregnant women and the safe evacuation process to the nearest primary care center including Hemorrhage in Early and Late Pregnancy, Fit to Flight in Pregnancy Patient and Inflight Labor, and Midwife Role in Early Evacuation Management of Obstetric Emergency, as well as Nursing Management and Evacuation of Obstetrical Emergencies


In its implementation, WEBINAR BIEBS 3 was held on September 4, 2022 via Zoom with competent speakers in their fields, namely Dr. dr. I Mrs. Hariyasa Sanjaya, Sp.OG(K), MARS, dr. Rany Ayu Puspitasari, Sp.KP, Sp.OG, Dr. Ni Nyoman Budiani, S.SiT, M. Biomed, and Dr. Ns. Ika Widi Astuti, S.Kep., M.Kep. Sp.Kep.MAT, and guided by dr. Nasrullah as the moderator of the BIEBS 3 WEBINAR . The initial remarks began with remarks from the Chairman of the Committee, dr. M Candra Wijanadi, followed by remarks from the Director of BBM Medindo, dr. I Gusti Ngurah Made Bayuningrat, Sp.OG. subsp. Obginsos(K)., M.M. and This activity was officially opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Dr. dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes. marked by his welcome. The BIEBS WEBINAR activity was closed by giving a giveaway to the participants and extraordinary appreciation for the speakers and moderators.


This activity is a series, after successfully holding Stage 3, namely the webinar “Management Emergency Evacuation In Obstetrics & Gynecology”. The Bali International Emergency Battle Summit 2022 (BIEBS) will continue to the pre-event stage, namely the "PREPARE YOURSELF FOR BIEBS 2022 BATTLE ROUND" Fitness Test and the "Future of Medical Evacuation is Now" Workshop Seminar. The next activity will discuss the preparation of knowledge, mentally and physically before the competition, namely the 2022 BIEBS Battle Round.