The signing of the Cooperation Agreement (PKS) of Mahaganesa College of Pharmacy with Pharmacy, Pharmacists, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University

The signing of the Cooperation Agreement (PKS) of Mahaganesa College of Pharmacy with Pharmacy, Pharmacists, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University.

It was held in the UNUD FMIPA Meeting Room, Thursday, September 1, 2022.

The signing of the collaboration was signed by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning at FMIPA UNUD (Dr. Drs. G.K. Gandhiadi, M.T), Head of Mahaganesha College of Pharmacy (apt. Kadek Duwi Cahyadi, S. Farm., M.Si) and attended by the Coordinator of the Pharmacy Study Program, FMIPA UNUD (Dr. Eka Indra Setyawan, S.Farm., M.Sc., Apt), the Coordinator of the Pharmacist Study Program, FMIPA UNUD (Dr. I Gusti Ngurah Agung Dewantara , S.Farm), Head of Study Program at Mahaganesa College of Pharmacy, (apt. Anak Agung Ngurah Putra Riana Prasetya, S.Farm., M.Farm.Klin), Public Relations of Mahaganesa College of Pharmacy (apt. Pande Made Desy Ratnasari, S. Farm., M.Clin.Pharm) Deputy Head of Mahaganesa College of Pharmacy (apt. Putu Dian Marani Kurnianta, S.Farm., M.Sc) Secretary of Mahaganesa College of Pharmacy Study Program (Ni ketut esati), Head of Administration of FMIPA UNUD ( Ir. Made Arini) and Tim.

The signing of this collaboration was moderated by the Coordinator of the Pharmacist Study Program, FMIPA UNUD (Dr. I Gusti Ngurah Agung Dewantara, S.Farm).  In the Speech of the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, FMIPA UNUD (Dr. Drs. G.K. Gandhiadi, M.T): He said that we are very happy that these alumni are successful and can build schools. Pharmacy is very strict graduation rate and competition. It means that the interest to study in Pharmacy is very high. This is where we form a partnership to improve our quality as a university. He is also very welcoming to this collaboration, especially the fathers and mothers of Mahaganesa College of Pharmacy are our alumni. so that we can build a quality pharmaceutical field.

Message from the Chairperson of the Mahaganesha College of Pharmacy (apt. Kadek Duwi Cahyadi, S.Farm., M.Si): He introduced himself and introduced his team, he also mentioned that he was not a foreigner at UNUD, because he is also an alumni at MIPA Pharmacy The first batch of UNUD, as for his arrival to MIPA, was to connect the MOU with Udayana University. He also asked the Chancellor of Udayana University to cooperate. He revealed that the Chancellor of UNUD really supports this collaboration, the Chancellor advised him to continue this collaboration well. So that it is sustainable. It is the hope of the Principal of the Mahaganesa College of Pharmacy that we can be nurtured and assisted to provide quality education. Thank you for being accepted here in this MOU.

Speech from the Coordinator of the Pharmacy Study Program, FMIPA UNUD (Dr. Eka Indra Setyawan, S.Farm., M.Sc.,Apt) he was very grateful to the fathers and mothers of the Mahaganesa College of Pharmacy for collaborating with us, he conveyed UNUD MIPA pharmacy later will open a master of Pharmacy, we are very open in pharmacy if later there is a deeper cooperation. Let's grow together. We apologize if our reception is not pleasing. \

The signing of the cooperation agreement ended with the distribution of souvenirs and a group photo.