Health Care Pharmacy is one of the work programs of Himafarma Udayana which aims to improve the quality of public health and introduce the pharmacist profession to the wider community. This activity is a form of concern for Pharmacy students for others who realize the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely Community Service. The scope of this event is internal to the Udayana Pharmacy and Pharmacist. This activity was held in Tajen Village, Penebel District, Tabanan Regency. Preparation for the event started from the beginning of August and the peak day was held on Saturday, August 27, 2022.

The 2022 Health Care Pharmacy activity has two event concepts, namely free health checks and APOCIL (Little Pharmacists). Both events were held in two different places at the same time. Health checks took place at the Tajen Village Hall, while Apocil was held at SDN 2 Tajen.  The series of events started from registration of invitees and participants, prayers, reports from the Chairman of the Committee, namely Anak Agung Made Ari Suryawati, followed by remarks as well as the official opening of the event by the Coordinator of the Pharmacy Study Program, namely Dr. Eka Indra Setyawan, S. Farm., M.SC.,Apt, followed by remarks by the Head of Tajen Village, as well as the submission of certificates and plaques to the village.

After the opening, the event continued with free health checks targeting the elderly with a total number of 46 participants. Health checks were carried out by volunteers which included GAK (blood sugar, uric acid, cholesterol), blood pressure, and body weight. Then, participants will be given counseling by the pharmacist regarding the interpretation of the examination results and given vitamins.  Not only that, in this activity we provide opportunities for participants to get to know the pharmacist profession better through a series of Little Pharmacist (APOCIL) activities involving 48 children of SDN 2 Tajen grade 5 and 6. The series of APOCIL activities started with an MC performance, prayer, then presentation about the Pharmacist Profession by pharmacists I Kadek Suardiana and Ni Kadek Sita Febriyanti students. On the sidelines of the counseling, games were held to enliven the atmosphere, then continued with the second material counseling, namely PHBS, then a quiz was held to ensure the material presented could be understood by all students. Finally, the certificate and closing are submitted.