Putu Suwardike Receives Doctoral Degree in Agricultural Science at the Faculty of Agriculture Unud

Putu Suwardike, a lecturer at the Faculty of Agriculture, Panji Sakti University, Singaraja, successfully defended his dissertation entitled 'Morphology, Agronomy, and Molecular Studies of Mango (Mangifera sp.) Local Bali as the Basis for Its Development' in the doctoral promotion examination at the Postgraduate Building, Unud Campus in Denpasar, Friday, August 26, 2022.

The doctoral promotion that afternoon was led directly by the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Prof, Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gede Ustriyana, M.M attended by the Promoter Team, namely Prof. Dr. ir. I Nyoman Rai, M.S. as Co-promoter, Prof. Dr. Ir. Rindang Dwiyani, M.Sc as the Promoter I, Dr. Dra. Eniek Kriwiyanti, M.Si as Promoter II, and 4 other examiners.

The dissertation written by Putu Suwardike aims to find the morphological, agronomic and molecular characteristics of local Balinese manga accessions, obtain a dendogram of diversity and kinship relationships of local Balinese manga accessions and find local mango accessions that are morphologically and agronomically superior, molecularly unique and have the potential to developed new high-yielding varieties.

The benefits of this academic research are expected to be able to clarify and strengthen theories about genetic diversity, character assessment and kinship relationships between mango accessions based on morphological, agronomic and molecular markers. encourage the growth of new businesses in the supply of local mango plants.