FH UNUD Organizes National Working Meeting BKS Deans of FH PTNs in Indonesia

Cooperation Agency (BKS) Deans of Faculty of Law (FH) State Universities (PTN) in Indonesia with new management held a national working meeting on 12-14 August 2022 at Hotel Prama Sanur-Bali and Faculty of Law Unud as the organizers. Invitations were distributed to 60 PTN FHs throughout Indonesia and attended by 103 participants from several PTN FHs. The activity was opened directly by the Chancellor of Udayana University then continued with remarks from the Dean of the Faculty of Law Unud as the host of the organizers and remarks from the Chairperson of the BKS Dean of the Faculty of Law of PTN in Indonesia, Dr. Edmon Makarim, S. Kom., SH, LLM. This national working meeting discussed the progress of the preparation and finalization of the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) curriculum, evaluation studies of joint research designs and publications. On this occasion, FH Unud submitted a draft of a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) to several FHs who previously had Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between their universities. The initiation of the Faculty of Law of Udayana University was warmly welcomed by some of these Faculty of Laws and in the near future, the signing of the PKS will be carried out. (UPIKS&IT FH Unud Team)