Internal Quality Audit By LP3M UNUD

In order to maintain and improve quality assurance in the implementation of study programs, an Internal Quality Audit (AMI) is carried out by the Learning Development and Quality Assurance Institute (LP3M) of Udayana University which is coordinated to the faculty level through the Learning Development and Quality Assurance Unit ( UP3M). Audit activities in all study programs within the Faculty of Law will be carried out on August 10, 2022 in Doctoral Study Programs (S3) Law and Masters Study Programs (S2) Legal Studies, and then in Masters Study Programs (S2) Notary and Undergraduate Study Programs (S1) Law Studies which were attended faculty leaders, study programs and TPPM auditees, auditors and coordinators and sub-coordinators. The scope of the audit is the availability of quality documents and their implementation with reference to the need for accreditation as well as key performance indicators with a risk-based internal quality audit model. (UP3M FH Unud Team)