Student Executive Board Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Held First Public Lecture: “Traditional vs Modern: More Effectiveness Treatment for Dermatology Case at Pet Animal.



Public lecture is an event designed to provide knowledge to students or the general public outside the veterinary learning process on campus. The material in public lectures is flexible in the sense that it is not fixed on the courses taken, but innovations from cases or problems that are around. The activity targets of the inaugural Student Executive Board (SEB) Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM) Public Lecture are FVM Unud students and all FVM students in Indonesia. The inaugural public lecture of SEB FVM was held online on Saturday, August 6, 2022 through the Cisco Webex Meeting.


SEB FVM in its first public lecture raised the theme of diseases commonly found in pets, namely "Traditional Vs Modern: More Effectiveness Treatment For Dermatology Cases At Pet Animals" which is basically a comparison of modern and traditional treatments applied to dermatological cases for pets such as dogs. and cat. This event is held for a day starting from

09.00 WITA to 12.30 WITA.


In this public lecture, the organizing committee invited two speakers who are professional and of course experienced in the field of dermatology, especially pets. They are drh. Putu Ayu Sisyawati Putriningsih, SKH, M. Si, PhD as a vet dermatology staff and Martina Tiodara Sitohang, SKH as a Internsip student. The two speakers shared useful experiences and knowledge to all participants who took part in this inaugural public lecture.



In the presentation of material by drh. Putu Ayu Sisyawati Putriningsih, SKH, M. Si, PhD was moderated by an active student from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University Batch 2020, Lefira. Lefira who guides speaker 1 and the discussion. In essence, Drh, Sisya said that: “Dermatology is a material that studies the skin and its related matters. Part of the skin system itself is the epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis. Furthermore, the skin has several forms of protection in the form of hair as the first physical defense, epidermis, lipids, pH, and immunoglobulins. For skin examination, it can be done by finding out the signs, taking anamnesis, looking at clinical signs and symptoms, differential diagnosis, laboratory and supporting examinations




. Existing activity can be interpreted that enthusiasm and seriousness in paying attention to the material is quite high. Plus the number of questions that appear indicates that the high curiosity about the presentation of the material by one speaker, namely Drh. Sisya.


After the material 1 session by doc Sisya ended, it was continued with an ice breaking session. In this session, accompanied by 2 interesting and very entertaining committees, namely Andhika and Cinta where they are both active students of the Udayana University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. The games session this time raised the topic of "guessing the picture of the artist and the artist's child". At first, they are given some pictures of the artist's appearance, then from some of these pictures, participants will guess who the artist is.




When the games session ends, it will be continued with the presentation of the second material by Martina Tiodara Sitohang, SKH or commonly called Kak Martina who will share with participants regarding traditional medicine in dermatology cases in pets. Martinya said that the topic he brought was very appropriate to his field because coincidentally the thesis he raised while pursuing his Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine was about dermatology treatment for pets using herbal ingredients. The minutes from Martina's presentation are as follows:


“There are several causes of skin disorders, such as fungal, parasitic, bacterial, viral, allergic, immune disorders and metabolites as well as nutritional deficiencies. The thesis that was taken in the past has similarities with the topic that was presented, namely the use of trigona honey in dogs with complex dermatitis. Herbal medicine in Indonesia is considered more developed because of the distribution of diverse flora with various functions and uses, such as marigolds, aloe vera, and so on. And the results of the study showed results that were not significantly different. But still give a healing reaction”




In the discussion session, the same as the first speaker, drh. The rest of the participants were active in asking questions. Interestingly, in this discussion session, drh. Sisya and drh, yudhi participated in conveying information about traditional medicine in vet dermatology. The situation of exchanging information makes the atmosphere of public lectures more exciting and useful for those who have attended them because they can add insight and experience from various points of view.




After the end of the material presentation session by Ms. Martina, the SEB FVM inaugural public lecture came at the end of the event. At the end of the event, we did documentation with the participants and did not forget with the speakers and moderators who were already on duty.