The Head of the Transportation Agency of Bali Province Successfully Completes the Profession of Engineer of the Past Learning Recognition Path (RPL)
On Tuesday (12/07/2022), the final examination of the Postgraduate Engineer Profession Program at Udayana University took place online through the Recognition of Past Learning (RPL) program on behalf of Dr. Ir. I Gde Wayan Samsi Gunarta, M.Appl.Sc. who works as Head of the Bali Provincial Transportation Service (Kadis).
The Head of the Bali Provincial Transportation Office is listed as a student of PPI Postgraduate Unud in the even period of 2021/2022, and succeeded in compiling an RPL proposal for less than one semester and presenting it before the board of examiners.
"Recognition of Past Learning or what is often referred to as RPL is one of the programs at the PPI Postgraduate Unud, RPL is a process of recognizing one's learning achievements previously achieved either through formal, non-formal, informal education or training related to their work or carried out self-taught through life experiences. Considering that RPL will be different for one scientific field and/or expertise with another, then RPL is unique. In particular, RPL in the higher education sector is an acknowledgment or equalization of experience with the abilities and or expertise possessed by students at the previous level of education, "explained the Coordinator of PPI Postgraduate Unud, Dr. Ir. Ida Bagus Putu Adnyana, ST., MT., IPU. ASEAN Eng
In addition to the RPL program, the PPI Postgraduate Unud has also opened registration for prospective students through the regular program, since the PPI Postgraduate Unud was opened until now there are 484 students who have been accepted into the PPI Postgraduate Unud, and 368 engineers have been inaugurated as professional engineers. , so that there are 104 active students in the RPL program, and 12 students in the regular program. (bmp)