RSUD Kaimana in West Papua is Ready to Accept a Senior Resident Doctor Placement

The Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (FK Unud) has again expanded its network of vehicles for independent senior residents as an effort to improve the quality and sustainability of health services in Eastern Indonesia. The FK Unud visitation team conducted a feasibility assessment on 19-21 July 2022, before the cooperation agreement with the Kaimana Regency Government, West Papua could be implemented. Cooperation efforts to improve health services are focused on child health services, internal medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, surgery, ENT, and anesthesia.

The Kaimana Regent, Freddy Thie, the Kaimana District Health Service Representative, and the Kaimana Hospital Director, along with the staff received the visitation team from the Unud Medical Faculty, at the Kaimana Regent's Office. In his remarks, Regent Freddy expressed his gratitude for the willingness of the Unud Medical Faculty team to build cooperation to improve health services in remote areas. Dr. dr. I Made Sudarmaja, M.Kes, representing the visitation team of FK Unud also expressed his gratitude for the trust given. "Senior residents at Udayana really need an independent vehicle to accelerate their graduation as well as improve their skills," said dr. Sudarmaja.

The event then continued with a visit to the Kaimana Hospital to see facilities, visit data, case variations, resident residences, and infrastructure related to health services as well as those related to the safety and security of students.

The next event is a discussion of points of cooperation, so that the next activity can be carried out without obstacles.

The FK Unud visitation team also involved the Deputy Dean III, Prof. dr. I Md Ady Wirawan, MPH, PhD; UPIKS FK Coordinator, Dr. dr. Ida Ayu Ika Wahyuniari, M.Kes; Chairman of the Education Coordination Committee (Komkordik) FK Unud / Sanglah Hospital, Dr. dr. IGP Suka Aryana, Sp.PD(K); Study Program Representative; dr. Pontisomaya Parami, Sp.An, MARS, Dr. dr. IGNM Suwarba, Sp.A(K), dr. I Made Darmayasa, Sp.OG(K), dr. I Made Siswadi Semadi, M. Biomed, Sp.PD, dr. I Ketut Suanda, Sp.TT-KL (K), FICS, and dr. I Putu Ari Gunawan, M. Biomed, Sp.B (K) Onk.