Profession Pharmacist Study Program of FMIPA UNUD Visits four leading pharmaceutical industries in Indonesia

One of the strategic steps to maintain continuity and increase cooperation with industry, Profession Pharmacist Study Program - Program Studi Profesi Apoteker (PSPA)  FMIPA UNUD made visits and field observations to PT. Sanofi-Aventis Indonesia which was directly received by the Production Manager - Mr. Ahmad Nadiem, PT. Etana Biotechnologies Indonesia accepted by HR Senior Supervisor – Mr. Arisida Indradi Pulungan, PT. Nicholas Laboratories Indonesia accepted by QC Manufacturing - Mr. Tipho Rangga, and PT. Promedrahardjo Industrial Pharmacy was received by the Production Manager – Mr. Yulianto Budi Susilo.


PT Sanov-Aventis Indonesia is a subsidiary of Sanofi, a controlled global health surveillance company with a diversified portfolio of pharmaceutical products (prescription and generic drugs), vaccines and health products. To date, Sanofi has a presence in more than 170 countries and is supported by 100,000 employees who work together to provide innovative therapeutic treatments to improve the health and well-being of people around the world. Sanofi Indonesia, through its legal entity PT Aventis Pharma, has been operating in Indonesia for more than 60 years and is supported by approximately 650 employees from various functions, including running a GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) certified manufacturing facility serving the domestic and international markets.


Meanwhile, PT Etana Biotechnologies Indonesia (Etana) is a producer of high-quality, affordable, and innovative biopharmaceuticals to treat various metabolic, autoimmune, and other major life-threatening diseases, including cancer. To best serve Indonesian patients, Etana has built strategic alliances and partnerships with international pharmaceutical manufacturers with a strong footprint in researching and developing safe and efficacious medicines, enabling Etana to offer new treatments to the Indonesian market. At the same time, Etana is working to build Indonesia's human resources and its own research and production capabilities by building eco-friendly multipurpose biopharmaceutical manufacturing and research facilities, staffed by the best graduates from Indonesia's leading medical research and education institutions.


No less important, PT. Promedrahardjo Pharmaceutical Industry is a pharmaceutical company that has received a certificate of Good Manufacturing Practices (CPOB) from BPOM for the non-betalactam drug class of tablets, coated tablets, capsules and oral liquids in 2000, and the Cefalosporin drug class of capsules and oral powder in 2019 as well as obtaining a Certificate of Good Traditional Medicine Manufacturing Practices (CPOTB) in 2020. PT. Promedrahardjo Industrial Pharmacy already has 152 product variants including branded generics, generics and health supplements, and continues to be of high quality in order to produce quality products. With a strong determination and based on the spirit of perfection, PT. Promedrahardjo Pharmaceutical Industry is always moving forward to become a pharmaceutical company that is growing rapidly and always contributes to advancing public health in the country.

Last but not the least, PT NICHOLAS LABORATORIES INDONESIA is one of the leading ethical drug manufacturers in Indonesia that produces “Naspro”, helping the well-known.


The visit which was held on 14-15 July 2022 according to the assignment letter from the Dean of FMIPA dated 11 July 2022 was carried out directly by the Coordinator of the PSPA FMIPA Study Program, Udayana University Dr. apt. I Gusti Ngurah Agung Dewantara Putra, S.Farm., M.Sc. According to Agung Dewantara, the purpose of this visit is in addition to maintaining and enhancing Cooperation, this visit is an answer to the recommendations for the PSPA FMIPA Unud field assessment on July 1-22, 2022, also to support VMTS competition, especially with superior competencies to achieve VMTS. So it is expected that graduates of PSPA FMIPA Udayana University have high competence and are able to compete in the national and international arena.