BEM FMIPA Udayana University with its work program namely FMIPA Clean Up 2022 carried out cleaning activities in the Balangan Coast Cliff environment, Jimbaran on Sunday, July 17, 2022. This activity was attended by the Deans, Student Guidance Lecturers, Koprodi, security teams from Babinsa and Babinkamtibmas Jimbaran, and FMIPA student volunteers.


FMIPA Clean Up is an activity that is carried out regularly every year, where this year there are two editions with different places of implementation. In the first edition, the target is the beach area, namely Balangan Beach because it is one of the attractions that is very ogled and favored by domestic and foreign tourists. The cleanliness of the beach environment has contributed to restoring Bali's tourism, which was dimmed due to the prolonged pandemic.


The purpose of this activity is to improve and maintain the cleanliness of the surrounding area so that it is cleaner and free of waste, prevent environmental pollution that can cause disease, foster student sensitivity and concern for the importance of environmental cleanliness, as well as a means for students to be able to contribute to maintaining cleanliness. environment. With this activity the sense of kinship between students will also increase.


This event begins with the registration of the committee, invitees, and volunteers as well as checking the temperature and giving hand sanitizer. The opening of this event began with a report from the chairman of the committee, remarks from the Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Information. The event then continued with the provision of education from the SAMTAKU TPST Management team to the volunteers. Volunteers are equipped with knowledge about waste and waste, procedures for processing waste at the SAMTAKU TPST, and an invitation to love cleanliness more and make use of the waste itself. Don't forget the FMIPA Clean Up committee also donated a banner to mark the trash cans that were there as well as a keepsake.


This activity was closed with a group photo by volunteers, committee, and team from TPST SAMTAKU. The photo session was very fun with the jargon “My Garbage is My Responsibility”, in the signature style, 3 fingers from the TPST SAMTAKU team.


"Hopefully, FMIPA friends can stop by at the SAMTAKU TPST," said Pak Gede, an educator from the SAMTAKU TPST inviting volunteers to see for themselves how the waste processing process from the TPST. After holding this activity at Balangan Beach, it is hoped that the Balangan Beach area can continue to be kept clean and be the beginning for surrounding organizations to carry out service activities like this again in the future.