Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Udayana University and Indonesian Veterinary Medical Association Help in Assist in FMD Vaccinations in Gianyar

To prevent the spread of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) that infect cattle, Wednesday, July 14, 2022, vaccination activities were carried out simultaneously in 2 villages, namely in Bona Village, Blahbatuh District and Tulikup Village, Gianyar District, as well as sweeping in Serongga village. In this vaccination activity, the FMD Task Force of Gianyar Regency was assisted by a team of vaccinators from the Bali Branch of the Indonesian Veterinary Medical Association (IVMA) and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University, focusing on Bona and Belege villages. The vaccination activity which started at 08.00 WITA targeted the cattle in their respective cowshed door to door. Vaccination activities are also accompanied by education for cattle owners, especially in maintaining the cleanliness of the cowshed and the health of their livestock. In the vaccination activity, the Chairman of the Indonesian Veterinary Medical Association (IVMA) Bali, Prof. Dr. drh. I ketut Puja, M.Kes, who participated as a vaccinator, hoped that farmers would immediately report to the office in charge of the animal health function or the nearest veterinarian if they found their livestock sick. According to him, the provision of FMD is intended for healthy cows to provide cow immunity, so as not to be infected with foot and mouth disease that is currently infected livestock, especially cows. "Through this vaccination, we hope that we can help prevent the spread of the disease, especially in cattle breeding centers," he said.

It was further said that this vaccine was given to prevent FMD, which was the first vaccination. Then four weeks later the cow will receive a second dose of vaccine. Then six months later, you will get a FMD booster vaccine. It is hoped that with this regular vaccination, Bali will be free from FMD.



It should be noted that Gianyar district was the first district to be tested positive for FMD, after the confirmation of the virus that causes FMD in cattle in Medan, shampooing Gianyar. The source of the infection is not yet known clearly. With the collaboration of all components to move together, it is hoped that Gianyar, which was originally categorized as a red area, will soon become green zone.




The chairman of IVMA Bali hopes that not only the task force and volunteers are ready to go to the field, but the participation of the community who owns the cows is very much needed, especially to deliver and show where the cattle are. This seems to greatly hamper vaccination coverage if the intended cowshed does not have an owner. Because the officials at the banjar or subak level or the head of the simantri or are ready with location data and the number of cows to be handled. Only then will vaccination coverage be increased.