Unud Faculty of Medicine students "BERAKSI" Commemorating National Children's Day 2022

Unud Faculty of Medicine students "BERAKSI" Commemorating National Children's Day 2022

The Special Division for Maternal and Child Health Concerned Student Communities (DK KMPKIA) Public Health Student Association (HMKM) FK Unud held a Peer Educator Competition for the City of Denpasar 2022. This activity raised the theme "BERAKSI: Berani Melakukan Aksi Perubahan untuk Masa Depan Gemilang". held at the Learning Activity Center (SKB) Denpasar City. (Sunday, 10/7/2022)

The Denpasar City-wide Peer Educator Competition HAN 2022 is held with the aim of implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely Education, Research, and Community Service to the wider community in order to improve health in the community.

The event was attended and opened directly by the Coordinator of the Undergraduate Public Health Study Program, dr. Putu Ayu Swandewi Astuti, S.Ked., M.P.H., Ph.D. In his speech, dr. Swadewi expressed his hope that the activities organized by the DK KMP KIA can increase the knowledge of the participants and the committee about maternal and child health problems because maternal and child health problems are an indicator of community welfare, and are expected to play a direct role in overcoming maternal and child health problems. through the creative ideas that have been poured.

Also attending this event were representatives of BEM, chairman of HMKM, head of the DK KMP KIA Division, and chairman of the 2022 National Children's Day committee.