BAN-PT Assessor Team Conducts Online Field Assessment on Master of Accounting Study Program FEB UNUD

The Master of Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University took part in a Field Assessment in the context of Accreditation of study programs by the Assessor Team of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) which took place online through the Zoom Meeting application, Monday (27/6/2022) located at FEB Sudirman Denpasar Campus. The assessor team assigned by BAN PT is Prof. Dr. Sutrisno, SE., M.Si., Ak., CA (University of Brawijaya) and Dr. Agus Purwanto, SE., M.Si., Akt. (Diponegoro University).

This field assessment was opened by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, MP who was accompanied by the Vice Chancellor for General Affairs and Finance Prof. Dr. I Gusti Bagus Wiksuana, SE., MS and the Dean of FEB Unud Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda, S.E., M.T., Ph.D. and all ranks. The USDI Chair was also present along with the LP3M Chair and LPPM representatives. The Chair and Secretary of the FEB Senate were also present.

Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, MP representing the Chancellor of Udayana University in this case conveyed his welcome and appreciation to the assessor team. In addition, it also conveyed a glimpse of the existence of Udayana University from a campus whose predicate has been accredited to excel, the number of faculties and study programs, the number of lecturers, education staff, the number of students and the number of assets owned by Unud located on the Bukit Jimbaran Campus. The Master of Accounting Study Program is also expected to be able to participate in superior accredited study programs. If there are missing data or documents that still need to be completed, it is requested that later the taskforce can be given the opportunity to complete the evidence. It is hoped that this field assessment will go well and smoothly.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Assessment Team, Prof. Dr. Sutrisno, SE., M.Si., Ak., CA said that this field assessment will verify and match the evidence that has been collected and forms have been made, the forms have been submitted to BAN-PT and have been assessed for adequacy and the results can be followed up proceed to the field assessment. He further stated that the document is good and quite complete, but if there is data that you want to add, it can be completed later. After the opening ceremony, we will proceed to boring document interviews. Furthermore, the Assessor Team said that they are not auditing, but will be more about sharing experiences in managing study programs.

Dr. Agus Purwanto, SE., M.Sc., Akt. on this occasion also added that related to this field assessment, later of course there will be an official report and a statement that will be signed. The Assessor Team will also upload everything to BAN-PT via SAPTO and then the hard copy will be sent by UPPS. He hopes that the field assessment activities of the Master of Accounting Study Program can run as well as possible.