The 4th Udayana International Nursing Conference

Undergraduate Nursing and Nursing Profession Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University proudly held The 4th Udayana International Nursing Conference with the theme "Driving healthcare innovations to strengthen resilience of nursing education and practice in a changing world" live from Prof.'s room. dr. I Goesti Ngoerah Gde Ngoerah via webex meeting (24-25 June 2022).

The seminar which was held for 2 days presented 6 (six) speakers who were competent in their fields as well as from outside and within the country, namely:

1. Prof. Patricia Mary Davidson (University of Wollongong, Australia)


2. Prof. Nawi Ng (The University of Gothenberg, Sweden)


3. Prof. Kuei Ru Chou (Taipei Medical University Hospital, Taipei)


4. Prof. Michael Joseph Dino (Our Lady of Fatima University, Philippines)


5. Prof. Tetsuya Tanioka (Tokushima University, Japan)


6. Dr. Ni Ketut Guru Prapti, S.Kep., MNS (Udayana University, Indonesia)


The event began with remarks from the Dean of the Unud Medical Faculty, Dr. dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes who also officially opened the event. On this occasion Dr. Januartha said that nursing is part of health services which also plays a role in maintaining public health. Nurses are health workers who have also played a very important role since the beginning of the pandemic until now where the world situation is getting better.

"The development of nursing science is also expected to be used as a basis in providing services for public health. Through this event, it is hoped that nurses who are experts in their fields can share their experiences and knowledge about innovations in the world of nursing so that participants gain knowledge and inspiration in providing nursing services. " he said.

Participants in this event came from lecturers and students of the Nursing and Nursing Profession undergraduate study program.

The agenda for activities on the first day was filled with material presentations from speakers and discussion sessions, while on the second day the event would be filled with oral and poster presentations.