As many as 45% of Unud FP Graduate Candidates are Predicated

The Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University (FP Unud) held a graduation ceremony for prospective graduates or judiciary for the period of June 2022. A total of 49 alumni of FP Unud were released at the Unud Postgraduate Building, Wednesday (22/06) and about 45% of graduates won degrees with honors alias " cum laude".


Deputy Dean I FP Unud Dr. Ir. Ni Luh Kartini, MS., emphasized that the percentage of "with praise" was the highest compared to other predicates. Further, Dr. Luh Kartini, profile of prospective graduates for the period of June 2022. Based on the total percentage of graduation predicate, he said, all study programs including prospective graduates graduated with honors only 2.04%, satisfactory (12.24%), very satisfactory (40.82%) , and with praise (44.90%). He explained that the percentage of graduation cum laude should have been higher considering the criteria for determining the predicate, apart from high scores, students also had to graduate on time. Students must take four years of study, Masters (2 years) and Doctorate (3 years). The high percentage of graduates cum laude is proof that the learning process at FP Unud has been going well. The quality of the learning process at FP Unud, he stressed, always adopts innovations in the occupation sector. For example, currently an independent curriculum is being developed for independent campus learning and case study-based learning activities.


Dr. Luh Kartini explained that the number of prospective graduates of FP Unud who were released at the judiciary for the June 2022 period was 49 people, consisting of 40 undergraduate graduates, masters (7) and doctorates (2). "The Agribusiness S1 Study Program releases the most alumni, namely 21 people, and the Agro-ecotechnology S1 Study Program," said the organic agriculture expert. Interestingly, said the Lecturer of Agroecotechnology Study Program, the number of prospective female graduates is more than that of male graduates. The inequality is very high, he stressed, out of 21 graduates of S1 Agribusiness only one man. In the Agroecotechnology Study Program, which graduated 17 prospective graduates, only five were male.


Observing these data, Dr. Luh Kartini was proud of the high participation of women in agriculture. On the other hand, he said he was sad when he realized that men's enthusiasm for education in agriculture had decreased. "The hope is that there will be gender equality, meaning that there is a balance of women's and men's participation in developing agriculture," he said. Dr. Luh Kartini added that the current number of FP Unud students is 1,704 students, with details of S1 Agribusiness as many as 789 students, S1 Agroecotechnology (577), S1 Landscape Architecture (232), Masters in Agribusiness (40), Masters in Biotechnology (9), Masters in Dry Land Agriculture ( 13), Master Degree in Agroecotechnology (7), and Doctoral Degree in Agriculture (37).


The Yudisium FP Unud June 2022 was filled with a motivation session that presented entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector, namely the President Director of POD Chocolate and Member of the Badung Regency DPRD IGAA Trimafo Yudha and the President Director of PT Bali Agro Investama Dip-Ing. I Ketut Kartika Tanjana. The talkshow guided by the Agribusiness Study Program lecturer, Dr. Putu Udayani Wijayanti, SP., M.Agb was greeted enthusiastically by prospective graduates, students, lecturers, and alumni of FP Unud who were especially present to take part in the talk show. In addition to discussing tips on managing a business in the agricultural sector, the talkshow participants also wanted to get information on job opportunities. One of the alumni of FP Unud questioned Inda Yudha's job opportunities at POD Chocolate. Inda Yudha straightforwardly stated that her party was ready to open job vacancies for FP Unud graduates. "Please submit an application and attach a CV to the POD," he said.


The Dean of FP Unud Prof. Dr. Ir. Nyoman Gede Ustriyana, MM appreciated Inda Yudha's response. "This is a good opportunity, hopefully there will be alumni of FP Unud who are matched to get a job at POD Chocolate," said Prof. Ustriyana. In addition, his party expressed his appreciation for the hard work of the FP judicial committee led by Ni Wayan Sri Sutari, SP., MP who gave the best to prospective graduates. Bringing in qualified speakers in the talk show, he said, was not easy but the committee was able to do it in a short time. (*)