Udayana Political Science Welcomes Padjadjaran Political Science

Denpasar, In the context of the visit as well as the implementation of cooperation between the two parties, the Political Science Study Program, Udayana University, welcomed the arrival of the Political Science Study Program, Padjadjaran University, which was located in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Building, Udayana University. (21/06/2022)

The visit was attended by representatives of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Udayana University, Dr. Drs. I Nengah Punia, M.Sc., as the Dean of FISIP Udayana University, along with the staff, Dr. Tedi Erviantono, S.IP. M.Sc., as the coordinator of the Political Science Study Program, together with Political Science lecturers. Also present were representatives of Political Science from Padjadjaran University, Dr. Ratnia Solihah, S.IP., M.Sc., as the Coordinator of Political Science, together with lecturers and dozens of Political Science students at Padjadjaran University.

The activity was opened with a prayer and continued with remarks by the Dean of FISIP Udayana and the Coordinator of the Political Science Study Program of each university. In his remarks, Tedi Erviantono gave a brief introduction to Political Science lecturers at Udayana University and expressed his hopes for the future potential for collaboration between Political Science at Udayana University and Political Science at Padjadjaran University, which is related to academic activities. Ratnia Solihah also conveyed the same thing regarding the student exchange program that has been implemented and other programs. In addition, in the future, both parties are also planning other collaborations, such as publications and other activities in developing the repertoire of political science.

The event continued with the signing of the Implementation Of Arrangement by Tedi Erviantono and Ratnia Solihah, as well as a group photo which also concluded the visit of Political Science, Padjadjaran University to Political Science, Udayana University.