Robot Study Group, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University Wins Winner at Bali State Polytechnic Robot Competition

After winning the 2022 ELCCO, the Robot Team of the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University again won the achievement at the Bali Robot Competition 2022 State Polytechnic. The Bali Robot Competition is a national-scale competition event where there are three categories of competition, namely the Innovation Competition for Technology Creation, Line Follower Robot Competition, and the Sumobot Competition held by the Bali State Polytechnic Robotics Student Activity Unit. The Robot Study Group, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University sent 7 contingents in the Bali Robot Competition State Polytechnic, namely 5 teams in the Line Follower competition and 2 teams in the Technology Creation Competition.


At a glance about the competition, the State Polytechnic of Bali Robot Competition is a competition in the field of innovation and development of technology and robotics which is participated by participants at the national level. There are 73 teams from various universities in Indonesia who take part in this Line Follower Competition. The LKCT branch itself consists of 17 teams from various universities in Indonesia. The Line Follower Robot Competition at the Bali State Polytechnic Robot Competition 2022 will take place online (Zoom Meeting) on ??28 – 29 May 2022, at 08.30 WITA – finished. Meanwhile, the Technology Creation Innovation Competition was held offline at the Joop Ave Hall of the Bali Tourism Polytechnic.


In the Line Follower Robot Competition category, there are 73 teams that have a technical selection and there will only be 16 teams that can compete online through a zoom meeting. The team led by Kadek Widipratama managed to pass the Technical selection and was able to compete in the last 16. The Omang Sayang team managed to become a finalist and competed with the RR Madu Hitam team. However, it is very unfortunate that the RR Madu Hitam team managed to become the champion in the Line Follower Contest. However, winning 2nd place in the national event has been very proud for the entire Faculty of Engineering.


Table of Winners in the 2022 PNBRC Line Follower Robot Competition


in the Innovation Technology Creation Competition category, chaired by A.A Gede Angga Dwipradipta under the name TSAR Bomba V2 Team, won 1st place and favorite winner. According to Dana, as a member of the Bomba V2 TSAR Team, said that the work created was motivated by the problems experienced by one of the chicken farmers where the chicken drums they owned were still conventional so the Bomba V2 TSAR Team took the initiative to create an innovation to develop automatic chicken drums that aim to reduce crop failure and decrease production on the chicken farm. "As students, we should innovate and be creative because we are the next generation of the nation," he concluded.


Submission of the Winner of Innovation in Technology Creation at the Bali State Polytechnic Robot Competition 2022


To win in this competition is certainly not easy. There are many factors that become obstacles starting from the preparation of the race to the day of the race. One of them was in the line follower competition, “before the race there were several obstacles that prevented the robot from walking again. This made our team anxious and had to do a reset. However, fortunately in the competition, the robot used can run normally again." Widi said. In addition, the preparation for the competition, which coincides with the preparation for the exam, is certainly one of the factors that can completely reduce concentration in preparation for the competition. The presence of damaged components, less than optimal lamps and uneven floor mats are factors that need to be evaluated in the future.