Veterinary Aware and Care SEB FVM Unud held Animal Feeding Activities at Monkey Forest Sangeh


VEACE or Veterinary Aware and Care is one of the routine activities carried out by the Community Service Division of Student Executive Board (SEB), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM), Udayana University. VEACE is a program that focuses on increasing the awareness of FVM students regarding issues related to the environment, including the wildlife that surrounds us.

Volunteer Animal Feeding Activities are not only for FVM students, students from other faculties and the public are also welcome to take part in this event. Volunteers can fill out the form listed and join the whatsapp group to make it easier to convey information. Volunteers can also make donations, either in the form of food such as peanuts, bananas, and cassava, as well as donations in the form of money that can be given to the contact person listed on the activity pamphlet. The donations collected were in the form of Rp. 90,000,000 and financial assistance from the SEB of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University which was used to buy food for the monkeys.



VEACE this time took place at Sangeh Monkey Forest on June 4, 2022. The volunteers previously gathered at FVM Unud at 13.00 WITA and left together for the location at 14.15 WITA.

The activity was opened by giving direction to the volunteers by the chairman of the committee, namely I Gusti Ngurah Jagad Anom Ksatria and a speech from the head of the Sangeh Tourism Object manager. "I am very grateful for wanting to hold this activity and still care about the animals that we must preserve together," said I Made Sumohon as the Head of Sangeh Tourism Object Management. Then proceed with praying together so that the activities run smoothly. The volunteers were divided into 2 groups to expand the feeding area. Some of the foods given to monkeys are bananas, watermelons, and corn. The number of participants in this activity is 30 students. "This street feeding activity gives a new color because for the first time SEB FVM has made a street feeding activity with animals other than dogs, namely monkeys. "The activity is interesting and fun because you can play with monkeys," said Nanda Maharanti as one of the participants who join the event

The VEACE activity was closed with a thank you from the chairman of the committee, closing prayer, and a group photo..