The Public Administration of FISIP Unud conducts online workshops. With the theme "Knowledge Sharing Workshop on MBKM Curriculum Development", this activity was held on Friday, 27 May 2022 online through the Cisco Webex Room Meeting.

The workshop started at 09.00 WITA which was started by remarks from the Coordinator of the Public Administration Study Program, I Putu Dharmanu Yudartha, S.Sos., M.PA. and continued by the head of the workshop, I Dewa Ayu Putri Wirantari S.IP., MPA. This activity was attended by all lecturers, active students of Public Administration FISIP Unud and other invitees. Resource persons for the Knowledge Sharing Workshop on MBKM Curriculum Development presented Prof. Dr. Ir. G. P. Ganda Putra, M.P. with the material "Preparation of the MBKM Curriculum in accordance with the MBKM guidebook" and Dr. M.R. Khairul Muluk, Msi. with the material "OBE-based Curriculum Preparation"

After the opening ceremony, continued with the presentation of the material by the first resource person, Prof. Dr. Ir. G. P. Ganda Putra, M.P. he explained the preparation of the curriculum and the things that must be considered in preparing the MBKM curriculum by referring to the MBKM guide book. And continued by the second resource person, Dr. M.R. Khairul Muluk, Msi. , he explained the preparation of Outcome Based Education (OBE)-based RPS in accordance with the MBKM implementation policy. Not only that, participants were also asked to discuss several courses that could be registered as MBKM courses. So that each family of public administration lecturers has several proposed courses in the implementation of MBKM.


It is hoped that this activity will be able to provide information and knowledge for lecturers in preparing the curriculum, RPS and preparing tests on the MBKM curriculum for students who take MBKM.