SBE FVM Udayana University Proudly Presents: The Veterinary Festival to Introduce The World Of Veterinary Medicine To The General Public

VetFest (Veterinary Festival) is an event that is designed and held annually to introduce the scope of veterinary medicine by Student Board Executive (SBE) Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM) Udayana University. The target of VetFest activities is the general public from various circles, such as high school students, university students, and the general public in Bali. In 2022, VetFest activities were held on Friday, May 20, 2022, at Kang Zanger Bokashi Farm.




The theme for this 2022 veterinary festival is "Let the Light Ignites Euphoria". This event is held in one full day starting from 12.00 WITA to 21.30 WITA. In this year's activity, all student professional interests organization actively participate to make this event a success and enliven. Rothschildi, VetHolic, Turtle Guard, P-LO, Suluh, and Vesica showed their minpro identities in this activity. This introduction activity includes the profile of each professional interest and the activities they carry out. Like Minpro P-LO, which works on pets, for example, with its annual dog show. Student professional interest Rothshildi who is engaged in wildlife, and Turtel Guard as a professional interested in aquatic animals such as turtles, whales, and dolphins.




Something more exciting and enlivening at this year's VetFest event was the talented performance of the veterinary faculty students themselves. The performances offered are varied, ranging from bands, solo singers, duets, acoustics, and many more performances with unlimited creativity. While watching acoustic performances and others, visitors can also enjoy food and drinks provided by the committee, located close to the stage. Thus, making it easier for visitors to enjoy the show and enjoy consumption.




The night before the event's closing was presented by the appearance of guest stars well-known in the Island of the Gods area. The guest stars invited to this veterinary festival were Nostress Bali and Not So Koplo. The two guest stars will close the veterinary festival with great enthusiasm so that visitors can feel the euphoria of a festival designed by students of the veterinary faculty of Udayana University.