VTH FVM UNUD and IVMA Bali Organize Webinar Anticipating Bali from the Threat of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD)

This webinar was held in collaboration with the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University and the Bali Branch of the Indonesian Veterinary Medical Association, on Friday, May 13, 2022. This webinar specifically discusses alertness in dealing with threats from Foot and Mouth Diseases. This is due to an increase in cases of FMD in Java. Considering that the province of Bali is the closest area to East Java. In his remarks, the Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University, Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suartha, M.Si said that, we must not be careless in facing this FMD threat, Prof. Suartha explained that the government must take anticipatory steps so that the virus does not enter Bali and prepare everything needed if Bali is infected.



Dr. Soeharsono DTVS, Ph.D in his presentation said that, in fact, since 1990 Indonesia has been declared a FMD-free country by the World Organization of Animal Health (OIE), and has returned to being an infected area since the announcement of the FMD outbreak by the Minister of Agriculture on May 9, 2022 in four districts in East Java. He further stated that we must prevent the entry of the FMD virus into Bali and if it has entered, immediately report any symptoms related to FMD symptoms, as soon as possible to confirm the laboratory and report it as soon as possible. If it has been detected positive immediately take action.



The second speaker was the Head of the Denpasar Class I Agricultural Quarantine Center, Drh Putu Terunanegara, MM. He said, that the Quarantine Center has taken anticipatory steps such as not certifying the release and transit of animals and animal products that are susceptible to FMD to and transiting in East Java or other areas. other indications of FMD, biosecurity (Insulation, Cleaning and Disinfection), Enhanced Supervision at entry/exit points in coordination with relevant agencies (Department of Health, Police, Army, Port Authority) and Communication, Socialization and Education about the dangers of FMD as well as supervision and patrol to places that have not been designated as quarantine work areas (Rat Route).



The last speaker was the Head of the Denpasar Veterinary Center, Drh I Ketut Wirata, M. who got the final turn explained that the Denpasar Veterinary Center as one of the institutions under the Ministry of Agriculture was ready to carry out the FMD test. This is because the Denpasar Veterinary Center has the task and function of developing diagnostic tools. Supported by reliable human resources and complete equipment, it is certain that the results will be good. So that FMD detection can be done quickly and accurately.