HI Udayana Holds Webinar Hybrid Curriculum Based on KKNI

Denpasar (13/5), the IR Study Program at Udayana University held a Curriculum Webinar based on the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) in a hybrid manner at the FISIP Sudirman Building. This activity, which was also supported by the Indonesian Association of International Relations (AIHII), presented two speakers from Indonesian IR studies, namely Dr. Asep Kamaluddin Nasir and Dr. Agus Haryanto. The main objective of this webinar is to harmonize the curriculum within the International Relations study program with national standards and association standards as a guide for preparing learning outcomes, especially at the undergraduate level (S1). The material presented by Dr. Agus Haryanto, from Jenderal Sudirman University, focuses on the learning outcomes of higher education graduates (CPL) who are faithful, have noble character, are knowledgeable, creative, and competent. Therefore, the profile of study program graduates is also important to be analyzed according to market needs and science and technology studies. He added that in addition to general aspects, such as mastery of concepts, theories, methods, and/or scientific philosophy, general and special skills aspects in CPL are considered as skills that must be possessed by graduates to ensure equality of abilities when competing in the world of work. Connecting this, Dr. Asep Kamaluddin Nashir as Chair of AIHII, explained the relationship between curriculum development and higher education goals about preparing graduates for the world of work. Therefore, the preparation of the curriculum is also felt to require openness because its development is in line with external needs. In this case, the curriculum guarantees graduates with qualifications that have been approved in the IQF, taking into account the need for study programs resources, developing the vision that the institution aspires to, and the needs of students and other demands today to support quality graduates. The webinar ends with the conclusion that the curriculum is considered to be able to adapt and keep up with rapid technological developments. The event which lasted approximately three hours and was attended by IR lecturers in Indonesia was closed with a group photo session.