As set forth in the strategic plan of the main issues of Udayana University in 2020-2024, one of which is the improvement of the quality of all their resources, especially university students as an important element in the regeneration poroses nation's leadership. To achieve this goal Udayana University outlines the strategic issues into six policy areas, one of which is the development of education and student affairs. In elaboration, to improve the competence of graduates in society, necessary for student development sofskill Udayana University. This is also explained in the policy areas of education and student development which states that provide the opportunity and skills to students to learn and progress with optimal and provide sufficient space for the development of the personality, talents, interests and coaching themselves.
For the pattern of student guidance directed at Udayana University on the balance between hard skills that integrate between coaching intrakurikuler through learning activities with extracurricular guidance regarding formation reasoning, interests and welfare of student talent. Such synergy development allows the formation of identity mahasiswa complete and integrate the development of intellectual skills with soft skills, which required students later in kehiduoan society. This kind of student development program will support the achievement of full competency to be able to play a role in society as an intelligent, dignity and responsibly according to their profession.
- The realization of Udayana University as a superior college, independent and cultured, able to carry out the Tri Dharma College is qualified in accordance with the demands of time and minded culture.
- Superior means that all her educational program within the University of Udayana able to develop centers of excellence of science and technology to support sustainable development through the performance of institutions and human resources quality.
- Independent means having the ability memngembangkan major in management and financing system autonomously.
- Cultured means product development and science and technology institutions and Udayana University human resources uphold the values of academic honesty and truth in order to support sustainable development.
- UNUD realize a superior college and is responsible for the development of science, technology, and art (science and technology) is based on the vision of culture and philosophy of Tri Hita Karana.
- UNUD realize as a college that has the ability to compete, adaptive and responsive to changes and demands of the times.
- UNUD as colleges realize that reliably in meningkatakna Indonesian human resource quality, professional, independent, responsible, and resilient that rests on the cultural values of the nation.
- UNUD as colleges realize that akttif in building a civil society based on noble values of the nation.
- Preparing students to become members of the community who have the academic ability and / or professionals who can develop, create and apply science, technology and / or art.
- Develop and disseminate science, technology, and / or seek to use the arts as well as to improve people's lives and enrich the national culture.
Organization Structure
Detail :
Nama Unit : Biro Kemahasiswaan
Alamat : Gedung Rektorat Lt. 3 Kampus Jimbaran
Telepon : 0361 - 701954 or 704845
Email :
Website :

Jabatan : BAK Chief
NIP : 196607261994031001
Nama Pejabat : Drs. I Ketut Kartika
Periode Awal : 2022-03-25
Periode Akhir : 0000-00-00
Website :
Address : Gedung Rektorat Kampus Bukit Jimbaran Lt. 3
Telephone : 0361 - 701954 or 704845
Email :
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