Bureau of Academic Cooperation and Public Relations (BAKHM) is a support element field of academic administration, administrative fields of cooperation and public relations which is responsible to the Rector by the Deputy Rector for Academic Affairs (DR I) and Deputy Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information (DR IV).
Job and Function
The main jobs and functions of the Bureau of Academic, Cooperation and Public Relations is to carry out services in the academic field, cooperation and public relations in the environment of Udayana University. To carry out these tasks, the Bureau of Academic Cooperation and Public Relations has the functions like :
- The implementation of education, research, and community service;
- The evaluation of education, research, and community service;
- The implementation of student registration and academic statistics;
- The implementation of administrative coordination and cooperation; and
- The implementation of public relations affairs.
Bureau of Academic Cooperation and Public Relations are divided into two parts, namely:
I. Academic and Statistic Section
Academic and Statistics section has the task of performing the services and evaluation of education, research, and community service, as well as student registration and preparation of academic statistics. The section of Academic and Statistics are in the following functions :
- The implementation of education, research, and community service;
- The evaluation of education, research, and community service;
- The implementation of student registration;
- The implementation of academic statistical compilation; and
- Managing the means of education, research, and community service.
Academic and Statistics section consists of:
- Academic and Evaluation Sub-Section has the task to perform a service and evaluate the implementation of education, research, and community service;
- Sub-section of Registration, Data and Statistics has the task of administering the new admissions, student registration and processing of data and compilation of statistics academic; and
- Sub-section of Academic Facility has the task of conducting the preparation needs and setting the use of educational facilities.
II. Cooperation and Public Relations Section
Cooperation Division has the task of carrying out administrative coordination and cooperation as well as public relations. Cooperation and Public Relations Section has the following functions:
- The implementation of administrative coordination and cooperation; and
- The implementation of public relations affairs.
Cooperation and Public Relations Section consists of :
- Sub-section of domestic Cooperation has the task of conducting the preparation of materials, coordination and implementation of administrative cooperation in the country;
- Sub-section of International Cooperation has the task of conducting the preparation of materials coordination and implementation of administrative cooperation abroad; and
- Sub-section of Public Relations has the task to conduct the affairs of public relations.
Organization Structure

Jabatan : BAKHM Chief
NIP : 196304201989021001
Periode Awal : 2017-01-10
Periode Akhir : 0000-00-00
Website :
Address : Gedung Rektorat Kampus Bukit Jimbaran Lt. I
Telephone : 0361 - 701954 or 704845
Email : humas@unud.ac.id
Website : bakh.unud.ac.id