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1. Background in the Establishment of Indonesian Literature Department

The history of the birth of the Department of Language and Literature of Indonesia coincided with the establishment of the Faculty of Letters Udayana, namely on September 29 1958 based on the agreement of foundation of faculties of Nusa Tenggara with the approval of the Minister of PP and K (HUT Pancawindu Memories Book & BKFS XVII, 1998: iv).

The purpose of establishing the Faculty of Letters Udayana is to produce a cadre of professional graduates to help governance in the area of Bali in addition to improving efforts of coaching, development, and preservation of Balinese culture (See paper Prof. Ardhana). There are several activities carried out in the early establishment of the Faculty of Letters, namely preparing the establishment of the appropriate department owned cultural potential areas of Bali. Therefore, then was born the Department of Antiquities and Cultural History of Indonesia and Indonesian Language and Literature Department. Reason in the establishment of the Department of Language and Literature Indonesia is to develop the Indonesian language and literature, in addition to the already available teaching staff.

Vision and Mission of Indonesian Literature


Vision is an insight, a view, or the ability to look at the core issues in the development of Indonesian Literature Department that still exist, innovative, and productive in the umbrella of "Excellence, Independent, and Cultured". That is, academic excellence, institutional and independent expertise and competitive, as well as linguistically cultured and Indonesian literary who are concerned over the issue of linguistic and literature of Indonesia. Academic excellence in the implementation of quality means of the Tridarma of Higher Education and as a center for research, development, and dissemination of linguistic science and literature of Indonesia. Institutional and independent expertise and competitive means to have independent and competitive capabilities in the development of Indonesian literature department management system, good human resources, institutions, and output of department. Lastly, linguistically and literary cultured concerned over the issue of linguistic and literary of Indonesia means that upholding the cultural values of linguistic and literature of Indonesia based on the values of academic honesty and truth.


Based on the vision conveyed “academic excellence, institutional and independent expertise and competitive, as well as cultured Indonesian linguistic and literary who are concerned over the issue of linguistic and literature of Indonesia", there has been made several department missions that should be implemented so that all components of the departments involved and together move according to the basic tasks each so that what is programmed by the department will be going well and obtain maximum results. The missions set are as such:

  1. Tridarma of Higher Education implementation, which are qualified, which can support the process of change and progress of the nation of Indonesia, particularly in the field of linguistic and literary of Indonesia;
  2. Improve the quality of graduates in accordance with the demands of the development and the labor market as well as carry out foundation formation of character and personality, the soul of nationality and mastery of language and literature of Indonesia and cutting-edge technology.
  3. Prepare graduates to become a member of the community who have the academic ability and or professionals capable of implementing, developing science of language and literature of Indonesia, cutting-edge technology or arts and culture;
  4. Prepare graduates who have a social responsibility, sensitivity, and concern over the issue of language and literature of Indonesia.

To achieve the vision and mission of the department there needs to set some short-term efforts, such as below.

  1. Improving the quality of teaching and learning process
  2. Improved quality of research skills for faculty and students.
  3. Procurement of adequate library (resource center) particularly for linguistic and literature material.
  4. Internal management application that is open and effective.
  5. To disseminate the institution's performance and achievements of the Department of Literature of Indonesia to the public (public relations and service).




Jabatan : Kepala Jurusan/Program Studi

NIP : 196712021998022001

Nama Pejabat : Dr. I Gusti Ayu Agung Mas Triadnyani, S.S., M.Hum.

Periode Awal : 0000-00-00

Periode Akhir : 0000-00-00

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Faculty Name : Indonesian Literature
Address : Jln. Nias No. 13 Sanglah Denpasar 80114 Bali
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