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Computer science is an applied science of basic sciences that has developed rapidly along with the rapid development of Science and Technology. Mastery in computer science these days is necessary to improve the human resource as the demands of technological developments. Particularly in support of improving the quality of Tridarma College in institutions and to support the processes of community development (local and national), the field of computer science is considered very need to be developed at the University of Udayana (UNUD).

Symptoms of increased need for personnel trained, skilled and professional in the field of computer science and its application has been anticipated by the head UNUD since 2005. Starting from the approval of the Senate Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Udayana dated August 13, 2005 on the Establishment of Studies in Computer Science Faculty of Science, Udayana University and then continued to the level of the University through the approval of the Meeting of the University of Udayana September 15, 2005, which approved the establishment of the Department of Computer Science at the Faculty of Science UNUD.

Over time, finally on April 12, 2006 it was then issued the Operating License of PS Computer Science by the Director General of DIKTI with DIKTI Decree No. 1193 / D / T / 2006 which is valid for 2 years from the first academic year, the Department / PS Computer Science Faculty UNUD officially organized lectures for students of the first batch (academic year 2006/2007) on September 3 2006 by the number of registered students 100 (one hundred) people from the actual capacity which was only 50 (fifty) people. Public interest to explore the field of computer science can be very high indeed, judging from the number of applicants in this first batch of as many as 291 people. Likewise, in the academic year 2007/2008 in which the Department of Computer Science as a new department has been able to align themselves with other favorite majors in admissions to the inclusion of the Department of Computer Science as one of the majors that obtain the student in accordance with admission availability that there were no empty seats.

Vision and Mission of Computer Science/Informatics Engineering

Vision :

  1. Being a superior program and independent study at the national level in the development of computer science in the preservation of culture in 2020.

Mission :

  1. Carrying out and organizing adaptive educational and responsive to the needs of cultural preservation.
  2. Develop research and community service in the field of information technology culture preservation.
  3. Creating qualified graduates, independent, and professional in developing information technology in accordance with the norms and ethics.

Faculty Name : Computer Science/Informatics Engineering
Address : Gedung BJ Kampus Unud Bukit Jimbaran, Badung, Bali
Telephone : 0361 - 701805
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