Travel Industry (IPW) Study Program was established in 2008, specifically on 29 July 2008 based on :
- Decree of Director General of Higher Education number 2425/D/T/2008, regarding operational permits of new study programs in Udayana University.
- Decree of Rector of Udayana University Number 347 A/H14/HK/2008 regarding the establishment of Faculty of Tourism of Udayana University.
New student admission started in 2009/2010 academic year by PMDK and SNPTN entry examinations.
The establishment of IPW study program went through a long struggle because since the establishment of PSIK (Tourism Sciences Study Program) in 1985 which is now D4 Program in Tourism, several proposals to Director General of Higher Education for undergraduate program in tourism weren’t approved.
However, after submitting in a new format and referring to market share and curriculum guides from HILDIKTIPARI, the permit was finally approved by Director General of Higher Education.
To anticipate tightening competition and labor market needs which demand high quality graduates, the curriculum has been perfected a few times. In 2009 competence-based curriculum (KBK) was perfected and implemented to new students in 2009/2009 academic year.
KBK curriculum is oriented toward developing students’ soft skills. This is consistent with the study program which is based on tourism which implements soft skills. In this academic year, students are required to wear uniform / formal outfits, during courses so students no longer attend courses wearing jeans. This new paradigm in lectures is an anticipation of suggestions from Hotels, Travel Agencies as locations of training and apprenticeship of graduates of faculty of Tourism.
Head of Study Program : I Made Kusuma negara, SE.,M.Par
Secretary of Study Program : Yayu Indrawati, SS., M.Par.
In accordance with the Decree of Rector Number 88/UN14/KP/2014 regarding assignment of Heads and Secretaries of Study Program in Faculty of Tourism of Udayana University dated 14 February 2014.
Realizing Competitive, Professional, Independent, Cultured, and Internationally Recognized Travel Industry Study Program in 2026.
- Carrying out education, researches, and community services in the field of travel industry which is oriented and contribute to the development of tourism sciences.
- Improving the quality of learning by increasing capacity of learning facilities, teaching staffs, and professional education.
- Producing competent, professional, high integrity, independent, and moral graduates based on noble culture to create/take job opportunities in the field of tourism.
- Carrying out communication and partnerships with stakeholders in the field of tourism in supporting University Tri Dharma.

Jabatan : Kepala Jurusan/Program Studi
NIP : -
Nama Pejabat : I Made Kusuma negara, SE.,M.Par
Periode Awal : 0000-00-00
Periode Akhir : 0000-00-00
Website :

Jabatan : Sekretaris Jurusan/Program Studi
NIP : -
Nama Pejabat : Yayu Indrawati, SS., M.Par.
Periode Awal : 0000-00-00
Periode Akhir : 0000-00-00
Website :
Address : Jl. Dr. R Goris No. 7 Denpasar – Bali 80235
Telephone : 0361 - 223798
Email :
Website :