Study Program Website


Implementation of Graduate Architecture Program, Udayana University (PMA Unud) based on Decree of Department of Higher Education No 4014/D/T/2007, dated 29 November 2007. PMA Unud started first student enrollment in July year 2008, by offering three different skill program. Each skill program was designed uniquely, focusing particular learning areas which were correlated directly with spatial development phenomena and built environment encountered by developing countries. It covers various conditions associated with potential, challenge, as well as problems regarding built environmental development in various state unit. The three skill programs are: 

  1. Planning and Management of Rural and Urban Development (PMPDK) 
  2. Management of Conservation (MKon)
  3. Ethnic Study of Built Environment (KLBE)

Graduate Architecture Program of Udayana University has been accredited by National Accreditation Agency of Higher Education (BAN PT) year 2012 and has obtained accreditation level B base on Decree of National Accreditation Agency of Higher Education Number: 004/BAN-PT/Ak-X/S2/V/2012 concerning Status, Grade, Rank, and Valid Date of the results of Accreditation in Graduate Program in universities dated 31 May 2012.

Vision and Mission Magister of Architectural Engineering


Achieve Graduate Architecture Study Program of Udayana University (PMA Unud) in 2016 as center of education in three main areas, i.e.: (i) planning and manag ofal and urban development; (ii) management of conservation; and (iii) ethnic study of built environment through development of science, technology, and/or art  based on  Main Scientific Pattern of Culture that can produce excellent, independent, and civilized alumnae, as well as supportive toward sustainable development and and have competitive power, either in local, national, or global level.

To make the meaning of definition of the vision clear, some key definitions are:

  1. Excellent is meant that PMA Unud sustainably produces academic products and graduates, human resources as development implementer, eclectic and master scientific field regarding built environment, either in conception way or practically. This mission is oriented to produce graduates whose competitive power in their field, either in local, regional, and national and international level. This quality leads PMA Unud to be one of academic institution in graduate level, either in education, research and dedication to society.
  2. Independent refers to human resources gained by PMA Unud whose ability as well as self confidence to work, get initiative, develop creativity, and cooperative with other parties (individual or group), so that they can develop themselves and give positive contribution toward their environment independently.
  3. Civilized refers to human resources produced are expected to be able to make interaction by prioritizing and implementing cultural values, either culture of academics, profession, and society in daily life. Fundamentally, this mission refers to development of sensitivity of the graduates toward cultural structure growing and developing in the environment, norm and consensus in society that make social life conducive in implementing activity of sustainable development. This mission leads to the achievement of PMA Unud as the institution that does not only produce intellectual intelligence, but also social intelligence which is culture-and-society friendly.


To achieve the mission, PMA Unud determines some missions of study program that will be explained further as follows.

  1. to hold learning process that accommodates local culture context in the built environment area. This process is implemented in the learning system that involves advancement of technology, communication, information as well as system of quality assurance which are designed to produce the graduates who are excellent, independent, civilized, moralized and has integrity and supportive toward sustainable development in society.
  2. to develop and improve research activity, publication and dedication toward society which are oriented on problem solving and positive contribution toward various solution alternatives arrangement for various problems existing in field. It is done by concerning physical and non-physical contexts, scientific development as well as the existing technology advancement.
  3. to improve the activities of science development as well as scientific study toward excellent areas which have been determined by Udayana University in order to give contribution toward: science advancement, innovation in science, technology, policy alternative, and social conception, as well as develop positive contribution toward the success of development activity in local, national, and international level.
  4. to improve the quality and scope of operational services of PMA Unud in program implementation, either by improving the quality of human resources (academic staff and academic supporting staff), and quality improvement as well as quality of infrastructure that supports implementation of three commitments (tri dharma) of university.
  5. to develop partnership with various government and non-government institutions, either in local, regional, national, or international to improve PMA Unud and its management’s capacity and role in developing science and technology in the built environment area.


Jabatan : Kepala Jurusan/Program Studi

NIP : 196910181994122001

Nama Pejabat : Gusti Ayu Made Suartika, ST.,MEngSc.,Ph.D.

Periode Awal : 2012-01-02

Periode Akhir : 2016-01-04

Website :

Faculty Name : Magister of Architectural Engineering
Address : Jln. PB. Sudirman, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
Telephone : (0361) 239577
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