The Doctoral Program of Tourism at Udayana University was incorporated in August 16, 2010 by the Decree of Minister of National Education Number: 126/ D/ O/ 2010. The program was designed to yield qualified graduates in the field of tourism. The program was developed within the long term, thus it would form the main stream or doctrine of tourism science, as a science mono-disciplinary. The program is the only tourism study program in Indonesia, having parallel study programs, i.e. from undergraduate, graduate to doctoral degrees. Currently, the tourism science is still a multidisciplinary in nature, based on other relevant sciences, such as Social Science, Cultural Science, Economics Science, Environmental Science, Psychology, Planning Technique. In the next ten years, in the framework of tourism as science mono-disciplinary, cultural tourism will be developed by upholding the color and the excellence of local culture; a culture-based tourism development. This approach is expected to be able to address issues of tourism development nowadays that may seem less in favor of the local communities who have cultural uniqueness.
The establishment of Doctoral Program of Tourism is based on the development tourism science at Udayana University that has never receded. In which in 2001, Udayana University opened Master Program of Tourism Studies by the virtue of Decree of Director General of Higher Education No. 1917/ D/ T/ 2001, dated June 7, 2001. The incorporation of Master's program of Tourism Studies is aimed to yield human resources, having academic abilities and are able to develop tourism science, in accordance with the needs of the community and the development of science, technology and the arts. It also serves as a continuation of graduate Program of Tourism that has been initiated far beforehand.
The realization of Tourism Doctoral Program is inseparable from the long journey since the incorporation of Tourism Study Program in 1985 at Udayana University. The Tourism Studies Program eventually turned into a study program of graduate program, by the virtue of Decree of Directorate General of Higher Education No. 2425/ D/ T/ 2008, dated July 29, 2008 and Rector’s Decree of Udayana University, No. 347A/ H14/ HK/ 2008, dated September 27, 2008, on the incorporation of the Faculty of Tourism, Udayana University.
Decree of Study Program
- The Operating License for Tourism Study Program (Doctoral Degree) at Udayana University in Denpasar, by the virtue of the Ministry of National Education No. 126/ D/ O/ 2010, dated August 16, 2010.
- The Decree of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education No. 464/ BAN-PT/ Akred/ D/ XII/ 2014 on the value and Accreditation Rating for Doctoral Program, dated December 8, 2014, decided that Tourism Doctoral Program earned Grade A. It remains valid until December 7, 2019.
The Program’s Major Concentrations
It has two major concentrations, namely:
- Tourism Planning
- Management of Tourism Destinations.
Upon implementation, the difference in concentration can be seen clearly from the dissertation written by the students.
Vision :
The realization of Excellent, Independent, and Cultured Tourism Doctors, thus capable of generating the novelties for the development of tourism science.
Mission :
- Developing a learning system based on local wisdom supported by communication and information technology as well as an adequate quality assurances system in order to yield excellent, independent and cultured doctors.
- Producing human resources having academic ability in the field of Tourism Studies.
- Generating innovative and creative human resources in the research for the development of tourism science.
- Developing partnerships with a variety of government and private institutions, whether at the local, national and international levels in order to improve the capacity and participation in the community development.

Jabatan : Kepala Jurusan/Program Studi
NIP : -
Nama Pejabat : Prof. Dr. I Komang Gde Bendesa, M.A.D.E
Periode Awal : 0000-00-00
Periode Akhir : 0000-00-00
Website :

Jabatan : Sekretaris Jurusan/Program Studi
NIP : -
Nama Pejabat : Dr. Ir. A.A.P. Agung Suryawan Wiranatha, MSc.
Periode Awal : 0000-00-00
Periode Akhir : 0000-00-00
Website :
Address : Jln. PB Sudirman, Denpasar
Telephone : 0361 - 9604270
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