Student Internship Preference Survey

Hi, #rekanmagang!
Did you know that the Ministry of Education and Culture with its Independent Campus policy has launched 8 programs that you can participate in to fulfill your rights to study outside campus for 1 or 2 semesters? And, one such program is an internship in the world of industry or international organizations! Interesting, right?

But, wait.
To ensure that this internship program is of high quality and ideal for students, we need your input from internship students #rekanmagang, to provide relevant input and suggestions.

Come on, fill in this national survey which we will open for a limited time tomorrow on: Sunday, April 25, 2021, starting at 09.00 to 21.00 WIB. Also get attractive prizes for those of you who are lucky. There are 5 cellphone units for 5 students from the most filling campuses, you know!

Don't forget to fill it in! Your participation will greatly determine the quality of this program.
See you!