Udayana University Again Inaugurates 11 Professors, Now Has 241 Professors
Jimbaran - Udayana University (Unud) held an Academic Ceremony for the Inauguration of Permanent Professors at the Widya Sabha Auditorium Building, Jimbaran Campus, Saturday (1/02/2025). A total of 11 Professors, namely 2 (two) people from the Faculty of Medicine, 1 (one) person from the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, 2 (two) people from the Faculty of Engineering, 2 (two) people from the Faculty of Economics and Business, 2 (two) people from Faculty of Agriculture, 1 (one) person from the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, and 1 (one) person from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
The twelve professors who were inaugurated were:
- Prof. Dr. I Gst. A. Kt. G-d. Atmosphere, S.E., M.M. As a Professor in the field of Entrepreneurship Marketing Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, with the title Scientific Oration: The Dark Side of Marketing Entrepreneurship Personality in the Practice of Innovation versus Manipulation;
- Prof. Ni Ketut Agusintadewi, ST., MT., Ph.D as a Professor in the field of Community Based Development and Settlement Resilience. Faculty of Engineering, with the title Scientific Oration: For My People, Women: The Role of Women in the Formation of Traditional Domestic Residential Spaces in the Archipelago through a Genealogical Perspective;
- Prof. Dr. Ir. Ketut Dharma Susila, M.S. As a Professor in the field of Soil Quality and Climate Change. Faculty of Agriculture, with the title Scientific Oration: The Role of Soil Quality in Addressing the Impact of Climate Change: Challenges and Opportunities for Agricultural Sustainability;
- Prof. Dr. Dra. Luh Putu Laksminy, M. Hum. As a Professor in the field of Sociolinguistics. Faculty of Cultural Sciences, with the title Scientific Oration: Innovative Cross-Gender Variations in Communication in the Digital Era;
- Prof. Dr. Dr. Sianny Herawati, Sp.PK(K)., as a Professor in the field of Nephrology and Respiration. Faculty of Medicine, with the title Scientific Oration: The Role of Laboratories in Screening and Monitoring the Success of Kidney Transplantation;
- Prof. Dr. Dr. Cokorda Bagus Jaya Lesmana, S.Ked, Sp.KJ (K), MARS. As a Professor in the field of Community and Cultural Psychiatry. Faculty of Medicine, with the title Scientific Oration: Transforming Psychiatric Services and Treatment: Building Holistic and Culture-Based Community Mental Health;
- Prof. Dr. Ir. Ni Made Wartini, M.P. As a Professor in the field of Industrial Process Technology. Faculty of Agricultural Technology; With the title Scientific Oration: Potential of Functional Natural Dye Extracts in Supporting the Agricultural Products Industry;
- Prof. Dr. Putu Yudi Setiawan, ST., MM. As a Professor in the field of Consumer Behavior. Faculty of Economics and Business; With the title Scientific Oration: Machine Learning-Based Personalization in Destination Branding: Strategy to Increase Tourist Loyalty in the Digital Era;
- Prof. Dr. Ir. Yenni Ciawi. As a Professor in the field of Environmental Biotechnology. Faculty of Engineering; With the title Scientific Oration: Building Environmental Resilience through Waste Management Innovation and Renewable Energy;
- Prof. Dr. Irdhawati, S.Si., M.Si. As a Professor in the field of Electrochemistry and Separation of Chemical Compounds. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences; With the title Scientific Oration: Carbon Paste Electrodes for Drug and Food Analysis; as well as
- Prof. Dr. Ir. I Made Sudarma, M.S. As a Professor in the field of Natural Resources and Environmental Economics. Faculty of Agriculture; With the title Scientific Oration: Instruments for Controlling Land Conversion Towards Sustainable Development.
Rector of Unud Prof. Ir. I Ketut Sudarsana, ST., Ph.D in his speech said that in the previous Professor Inauguration period, precisely in January 2025, Udayana University had inaugurated 12 (twelve) Professors. With the addition of 11 Professors who will be inaugurated today, there are now a total of 241 Professors at Udayana University.
"I believe that this figure will continue to increase in the future. This belief is also strengthened by data held by the Human Resources Department, where there are 243 teaching staff who have doctoral degrees with the functional position of Associate Professor or the equivalent of (17.40 percent), and "238 people with the functional position of Lector or the equivalent of (17 percent)," said the Rector of Unud.
He hopes that the twelve Professors who were inaugurated will be able to carry out their duties as well as possible. Professors have a big responsibility to be role models, able to protect and provide solutions to problems that arise in society through their knowledge in order to advance this nation and state. And hopefully by increasing the number of superior human resources at universities, Udayana University can help to further increase its competitiveness at the national and international level.
Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Unud Professors Forum, who on this occasion was represented by the Forum Secretary, Prof. Dr. drh. Nyoman Sadra Dharmawan, MS., said that universities essentially play a role as centers for the development of science and culture to improve the dignity of the nation, professors as holders of the highest academic positions have a big responsibility in maintaining this role.
"Therefore, we remind Udayana University professors not only to carry out the Tridharma of Higher Education with full responsibility, but also to remain role models in guiding and building students' personalities so that students as the nation's next generation are expected to grow into individuals with character and personality, who is moral, and upholds the values of virtue," said the Secretary of the Professors' Forum.