At the end of 2024, Udayana University will hold its 165th Academic Graduation Ceremony
Jimbaran - Udayana University (Unud) held an Academic Ceremony for the 165th Graduation Ceremony at the Widya Sabha Auditorium Building, Jimbaran Campus, Saturday (21/12/2024). At the 165th Graduation Ceremony, the Rector of Unud sent off 617 graduates and to date the total number of Udayana University graduates has reached 126,872 people.
When grouped according to educational level, the graduates at the 165th Graduation Ceremony consisted of 8 people from the Doctoral Program, 38 Masters, 41 Specialists, 94 Professionals, 433 Bachelors and 3 Diplomas. Of the total number of graduates who received the title With Honors or Cum Laude, 89 people were awarded.
Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, MP., IPU in his report said that today's graduates were dominated by women, numbering 342 people, while there were only 275 male graduates. Overall the average GPA is quite good, namely 3.89 for the Doctoral Program; for the Masters Program, namely 3.90; while the Specialist Program has an average GPA of 3.77; Professional Programs 3.71; then Bachelor 3.80; and Diploma Program 3.69. In this 165th graduation period, there were 3 graduates who received scholarships and 1 from a scholarship provider.
"We congratulate the graduates and of course thank the families of the graduates who have given their trust to Udayana University as a place for the Higher Education learning process. Hopefully this will be a good start for pursuing a career for you and your fellow graduates. Keep up the enthusiasm for "achieving all dreams in enriching the horizons of life in society," said the Vice Rector.
To obtain important information feedback from alumni for improvement, system development and management of higher education, including facilities, teaching and learning patterns, processes and services at Udayana University, the Vice Rector also expects the participation of graduates to participate in online tracer study activities which was carried out by Udayana University.
Meanwhile, the Rector of Unud, Prof. Ir. I Ketut Sudarsana, ST., Ph.D in his speech conveyed the message that the title he has achieved is not the end of everything but is the beginning of a new challenge in life. Apart from that, as alumni you represent Udayana University in society. The behavior of alumni in society will be a reflection of this beloved Udayana University campus. Therefore, maintain the good name of your alma mater by always thinking, saying and doing good things. It is hoped that the graduates will be able to practice knowledge in their respective professions in a more responsible and qualified manner. Keep learning, work intelligently and sincerely. Hopefully the knowledge you have learned can be implemented well for the progress of society, nation and state.
In his speech, the Rector expressed his gratitude for the trust of the parents and/or families of the graduates in Udayana University to be able to provide the best education for your sons and daughters. The great contribution and motivation of fathers and mothers also helped encourage their sons and daughters to reach this point.
The Rector also expressed special thanks to mothers, because tomorrow 22 December 2024 is Mother's Day, so it is appropriate to express thanks to mothers who have given birth, so that everyone can get to this point.
Apart from that, in order to welcome Mother's Day, one of the graduates from the Bachelor of Communication Sciences, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Udayana University presented a Mother's song in the 165th Graduation procession.