Approaching the End of 2024, 14 Permanent Professors at Udayana University were Inaugurated

Jimbaran - A total of 14 Permanent Professors were inaugurated by Udayana University (Unud) at the Udayana University Academic Ceremony at the Widya Sabha Auditorium Building Jimbaran Campus, Saturday (30/11/2024). The fourteen professors 5 people came from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, 3 people from the Faculty of Medicine, 2 people from the Faculty of Economics and Business, 2 people from the Faculty of Law, 1 person from the Faculty of Agricultural Technology and 1 person from the Faculty of Cultural Sciences. With this inauguration the total number of Professors at Udayana University is 221 people.

The 14 permanent professors at Udayana University who were inaugurated consisted of:

  1. Prof. Dr. Dr. I Wayan Sudarsa, Sp.B.Subsp.Onk.(K). (Faculty of Medicine) with the title Scientific Oration: Breast Cancer in Indonesia Towards the Era of Precision Medicine (Precision Medicine)
  2. Prof. Dr. I Dewa Gede Palguna, S.H., M.Hum. (Faculty of Law) with the title Scientific Oration: The Constitutional Court and the Future of a Democratic State Based on Law in Indonesia
  3. Prof. Drs. Yan Ramona, M.App.Sc., Ph.D., (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences) with the title Scientific Oration: The Potential of Good Bacteria (Lactic Acid Bacteria) to Suppress the Growth of Histamine-forming Microbes in Food
  4. Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Putu Purbadharmaja, S.E., M.E., (Faculty of Economics and Business) with the title Scientific Oration: Approaching Three Decades of Regional Autonomy and Hope for a Golden Indonesia 2045
  5. Prof. Dra. Luh Putu Eswaryanti Kusuma Yuni, M.Sc., Ph.D., (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences) with the title Scientific Oration: National Priority Species Avifauna Conservation on the Island of Bali
  6. Prof. Dr. Drs. I Made Sukadana, M.Sc., (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences) with the title Scientific Oration: The Hidden Potential of the Gayam Plant: Exploration of its Chemical Content and Pharmacological Activity
  7. Prof. Dr. Dra. Luh Putu Puspawati, M.Hum., (Faculty of Cultural Sciences) with the title Scientific Oration: Myths and Environmental Conservation
  8. Prof. Dr. Ir. I Dewa Gde Mayun Permana, M.S., (Faculty of Agricultural Technology) with the title Scientific Oration Specific Properties of Grain Lipase and Its Potential for Fat Modification
  9. Prof. Dr. I Ketut Ginantra, S.Pd., M.Si., (Faculty of MIPA) with the title Scientific Oration: Restoration of Mangrove Ecosystems for Sustained Biodiversity and Welfare of Coastal Communities
  10. Prof. Dr. Ni Nengah Dwi Fatmawati, S.Ked., Sp.MK (K), Ph.D., (Faculty of Medicine) with the title Scientific Oration: Molecular Typing and Bacteriotherapy as a Strategy to Control Antimicrobial Resistance in Supporting the Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS)
  11. Prof. Dr. Sang Ketut Sudirga, S.Si., M.Sc., (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences) with the title Scientific Oration: Conservation of Natural Resources to Reduce the Use of Synthetic Chemicals
  12. Prof. Dr. Dr. I Made Sudarmaja, M. Kes. (Faculty of Medicine) with the title Scientific Oration: Aedes Aegypti versus Humans, Who Wins?
  13. Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Ketut Surya, SE., M.M., (Faculty of Economics and Business) with the title Scientific Oration: Leadership Locality: Asta Dasa Paramiteng Prabhu
  14. Prof. Dr. Ni Luh Gede Astariyani, S.H., M.H., (Faculty of Law) with the title Scientific Oration: Legal Hermeneutics in the Formation of Legislation

Rector of Udayana University Prof. I Ketut Sudarsana at this inauguration event said that currently Udayana University has 207 doctoral education lecturers with the functional position of Associate Professor or the equivalent of 14.7 percent, which means there is great potential to increase the number of Professors at Udayana University. Becoming a professor essentially means being a teacher, educator and researcher whose research results are awaited by the wider community as part of the realization of service.

"To the fourteen Professors who were inaugurated today, your contribution will always be awaited to provide greater benefits for Udayana University and the community," he said.

The Rector hopes that the Professors who have been confirmed will be able to carry out their duties as well as possible. Professors have a big responsibility to be role models, able to protect and provide solutions to problems that arise in society through their knowledge in order to advance this nation and state and can provide motivation to colleagues, so that later they will be inspired and able to achieve success. achievement as a Professor.

Chairman of the Professors' Forum, who on this occasion was represented by the Secretary of the Professors Forum, Prof. Dr. Drh. Nyoman Sadra Dharmawan, M.S., in his speech congratulated all the Professors who were inaugurated. He invited all Unud Professors to work, teach, research and serve society by continuing to update their knowledge, guide the younger generation, and contribute to society according to their competencies and expertise.