Ormawa Abdidaya 2024 Held at Udayana University

Jimbaran - Abdidaya Ormawa 2024 took place in Bali from 7 to 9 November 2024 where Udayana University (Unud) was appointed as the host for the implementation. Abdidaya Ormawa is a program initiated by the Belmawa Directorate, Directorate General of Diktiristek, Kemendikbudristek, in order to provide appreciation to stakeholders implementing and supporting the activities of the Student Organization Capacity Strengthening Program (PPK Ormawa), which is a forum for improving student soft skills.

Anugerah Abdidaya Ormawa 2024 is the 4th annual activity held by the Belmawa Directorate which aims to appreciate the performance of the implementing team, student organizations, accompanying lecturers, universities and sustainability partners in implementing PPK Ormawa activities.

The main activity of Abdidaya Ormawa 2024 is the Abdidaya Ormawa Expo which took place in the Rectorate Building yard and a seminar on strategies for improving the quality of PPK Ormawa and strengthening the capacity of Ormawa on the second day. The Abdidaya Ormawa Expo was held offline and contained a poster exhibition, mandatory output, and additional output of the Ormawa PPK as well as seminars and workshops attended by all PTs, Ormawa participants in Abdidaya Ormawa 2024, village governments, the business world, the media, and other invitees.

At the Abdidaya Ormawa Expo, posters, videos and expo stands will be selected that will receive the highest awards from the verification team, practitioners and visitors.

The opening of the 2024 Ormawa Abdidaya took place at the Widya Sabha Auditorium Building, Unud, Jimbaran Campus, which began with the introduction of the Ormawa Delegation participating in the 2024 Abdidaya, Thursday (7/11/2024) evening. The theme of the activity is "Strengthening the Capacity of Student Organizations and students' soft skills as Agents of National Development Transformation Based on Technological Innovation and Partnerships to Realize an Advanced Indonesia".

Chair of the 2024 Abdidaya Ormawa Organizing Committee Dr. I Wayan Santiyasa in his report said that Abdidaya 2024 was attended by 66 universities from all over Indonesia, 90 accompanying lecturers, 160 Ormawa and 160 implementing teams. The activities carried out were not limited to awards but also shared knowledge and experiences as an agenda to fill the 2024 community service series. Where there was a meeting of university leaders, partners, implementing teams and Ormawa as well as accompanying lecturers. He hopes that Abdidaya can be carried out well.

Meanwhile, the Rector of Unud, Prof. I Ketut Sudarsana in his speech said that this Abdidaya is a recognition of the enthusiasm and efforts and struggles of students as agents of change who not only increase their capacity but are also dedicated to empowering communities in various remote villages throughout Indonesia. They have collaborated with various parties to build and advance villages with technological innovation and strengthening cultural values ​​and mutual cooperation.

Person in charge of PPK Ormawa, Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs, Hari Jefri Fernando, SE, representing the Director of Belmawa, conveyed that the theme raised was very relevant to the needs of the nation amidst technological developments, where students are required to have strong soft skills and the ability to collaborate and innovate in society. Looking at the program that has been created by the Implementation Team together with Ormawa and accompanying lecturers and partners, it is hoped that they will be able to create a sustainable program. This cannot be separated from the fighting spirit and togetherness shown by the team and to show appreciation, Abdidaya 2024 was implemented.

It is hoped that this activity can further foster the enthusiasm of students and Ormawa to deepen and increase capacity, insight and competence as well as foster a spirit of service and produce young empowerers to help improve the welfare of communities throughout Indonesia.

The opening of Abdidaya was marked by the planting of Kayonan which began with the Kidang Kencana dance as the Abdidaya 2024 mascot.