Udayana University Holds 160th Graduation Ceremony, Rector Releases 852 Graduates

Udayana University (Unud) held its 160th Graduation Ceremony at the Widya Sabha Auditorium Unud Bukit Jimbaran, Saturday (29/06/2024). A total of 852 graduates were released directly by the Rector of Udayana University, Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, M.T., Ph.D., IPU.

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, MP, in his report said that the number of graduates released this time consisted of 39 Doctors (S3), 60 Masters (S2), 17 specialists, 2 professional graduates, 730 graduates (S1), and 4 Diploma person. The graduates this time were dominated by women, numbering 515 people, while the number of male graduates was 337 people. In terms of academic achievement, the average GPA for women is 3.84 while the average GPA for men is 3.78. Meanwhile, the average study period for women is 8.0 semesters, while for men the study period is 8.2 semesters.

For the best graduates from each program level, consisting of the Doctoral Program, Dr. I Made Ariana, S.E., S.E., Ak., M.Sc., CA from the Management Science Doctoral Study Program with GPA: 4.00 (With Honors). The master's program was achieved by drh. Derisna Sawitri Ungsyani, M.Sc., from the Master of Veterinary Medicine Study Program with GPA: 4.00 (With Commendations). Meanwhile, from the S1 Program, I Made Alit Darma Putra, S.Kom. from the Undergraduate Informatics Study Program with GPA: 4.00 (With Honors). With the release of 852 graduates up to the 160th graduation, Udayana University has a total of 122,776 alumni.

Rector of Unud, Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, M.T., Ph.D., IPU., congratulated the graduates who had successfully completed their studies at Udayana University. The success achieved is proof of the hard work of the students. Many challenges and obstacles have been overcome in the process of completing their studies, for this reason the Rector expressed his pride in the students' achievements and persistence in overcoming all obstacles during their education. 

This graduation ceremony is the final academic event that is followed in pursuing a level of education at a tertiary institution, which is a form of inauguration that students have completed education at a certain level. This is a form of Udayana University's responsibility to the Indonesian nation and state, especially in preparing quality and competitive human resources in the current global era.

Apart from that, the Rector also advised all graduates that graduation and the degrees they have achieved are not the end of everything but are the beginning of new challenges in life. The Rector hopes that the knowledge that has been obtained can be implemented well for the progress of society, nation and state. 

The Rector also said that the graduates should continue to actively participate in the development of Udayana University through the official IKAYANA forum which also functions as a media or facilitator for fresh graduates or recent graduates from Udayana University for work or advanced study purposes. Apart from that, graduates are asked to participate in filling out online questionnaire instruments in implementing the tracer study. Based on the data collected in the tracer study, information can be obtained regarding important matters which will be related to efforts to improve and develop the quality of education at Udayana University.

At this 160th graduation ceremony, the graduates' impressions and messages were conveyed by the representative of graduates from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, I Made Alit Darma Putra, S.Kom. Huge appreciation was expressed to all graduates for successfully completing their education at Udayana University. This cannot be separated from the support of the parents/guardians of the graduates who always strive to support and provide love. On this occasion, we also expressed our deepest gratitude to the parents/guardians of the graduates who have provided moral and material support while their sons/daughters studied at Udayana University.